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Everything posted by Rodrigo

  1. It all comes down to the tactics and who you online on cop with you. People that have played on asylum for a long time as rebel, they know how to stop the bank. If you see someone you think might have a good idea or tactic for the bank even if its only a constable try and give him the chance to lead, might work out.
  2. Atleast you tried, but ofc it wont work with 4 people on top of the roof. The cops should have tried to lethal one or two of the guys on the roof. And then landed the heli on top of the bank same as the strider rushed in to the building. It all comes down to the right timing, good pilot, good shooters helping out at the bank.
  3. The problem with this is : It doesnt give any sense at all. If people dont pay their ticket they will lose money, i dont see where this is coming from. What will it do for the civ/cop? Just add it for fun? Im trying so hard to see where you want to go with this and why, but i cant see any point in it.
  4. I mean why do you need to take money away from them? It have always been like this. They might go to jail because they want to go afk for a few minutes doing something else, why should the lose money just because?
  5. That would never work just saying. And will never happen, that would make cop the most op way to make money, no balance at all.
  6. Unfortunately we have to decline your application. Good luck in finding another gang.
  7. Unfortunately we have to decline your application. Good luck in finding another gang.
  8. Oh god. You have been doing work i see.
  9. haha was thinking the exact same thing
  10. Haha, ofc NVGs are good to use at night But still just a bit annoying uknow I cant believe you did that to me Bamf :/ The feels man
  11. http://i.imgur.com/saiR9SA.png?1 http://i.imgur.com/TRC6YD5.png?1 please fix?
  12. Unfortunately we have to decline your application. Good luck in finding another gang.
  13. Serenity: Bikstok Insanity: Diseased Envy: Trym Bad Blood: J9R9MY/Hamsham FSA: MrSmoke
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