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Everything posted by Gareth

  1. Don't play then. Trust me, Nobody would care if you weren't here.
  2. Alrighty Buddy... changing your post doesn't make you any less of a hypocrite
  3. Blatant Lie. The community begged for CSAT fatigues and pilot coveralls. As far as I'm aware, you were either taking a break or banned when this happened. No chance they're getting removed when people like the boy @Addon literally emptied their bank accounts to unlock csat coveralls. Stop whining anyways Toasted. You were shit when CSATs weren't a thing and you're still shit now. Not much has changed buddy.
  4. Blackbear - Wanderlust (WILDLYF Remix) breddabredda
  5. 600dpi, Just got used to it so I flick around a lot
  6. Had some fun fights since I got unbanned. So thanks to everyone for being involved (Watch in 1440p when It processes properly )
  7. gf's today, My bad for the long time pushing we were very badly organized in that first push. Anyways, sorry for going off in sidechat boys - especially @Tom , I didn't mean it buddy, was just pretty mad with roaches/losing a few fights. Anyways hopefully you fellas didn't take it to heart, didn't mean to offend anybody
  8. you have very little recoil when moving left or right whilst crouched. I've got 5k hours on this game, aiming with bad sway is pretty simple to me
  9. You never lose it... Excuse my audio fucking up, but you get the point. xd
  10. +1 great shot, cool guy. Good kid is 100% worth a shot
  11. my face when retards actually care about not being in a "top tier" gang. - Scratt
  12. Accepted for trial. Jimmy or Connor can give you ts info
  13. Is this or is this not the sexiest thing ever?
  14. Gratz on the new baby fam. Nice montage
  15. omgdudeyou'reinsane x d h i @Bleach4dinner g r e a t montage famadoodledoo
  16. No need for that young man; this is a recruitment thread. Asylum is a completely different combat style to GTA. No Sniper scopes like the DMS or AMS, which I see him using a lot in his montages. We're pretty full and don't need to take on any dead weight - hence why I denied him. Thank you for your input though, your incredibly relevant opinion is welcome here
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