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Everything posted by Xehons

  1. No i said delete 1 server which is a server I don't play but i never said have a system to activate one or the other its complicated and waste of time to code prefer have more orca skins then this shitty system yeah but they are also writing code for a system to turn on server 2 and 3 when 1 and 4 are at 80 people
  2. why keep servers down and only start them when 80 people are on its so fucked specially if you own houses how about trying to make scotch when half the time you cant even log on this new system is bullshit and I hope it never gets implemented
  3. everyone said i got kicked out of my own gang i didn't think that was even a thing lol @william ur still welcome in onyx pal ily
  4. yeah here ya go: https://softwarepug.com/microsoft-word-2016-for-windows-pc-only.html?utm_source=google_shopping&gclid=CjwKCAiA3o7RBRBfEiwAZMtSCS_88rFSYUESu1KwEpFK7dcNbghHvbeyJNkS6Ouu8XwzbCJ2hFvGzxoCRkIQAvD_BwE
  5. this bitch still going, apply we are still accepting! new players = welcome
  6. I think this short two day period proved that having one less server helped the community as a whole every server was even FULL at one point
  7. also whats the montage song i love it
  9. In game name - lench t blks. Age -19 xd Timezone - africa Arma Hours (Screenshot) - [53002] Banked Money - 20 dollars but my mom is giving me allowance next week so +10 more soon Previous Guilds - bounty brothers , hentai overlords, big boys down south Knowledge of Cartels - catle? like the goats and shit? What can you bring to Destiny Monkeys - fluent in planting my seed Why do you want to join Destiny Monkeys - i want destiny Can anyone vouch for you, if so who - @Lorax
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