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Everything posted by LuxCapere

  1. they used to be freelance...they used to be....Also, it would make more sense for freelance mercenaries to be in third world countries.
  2. Also, I'd ask they do something with the aggression system where if someone is aggressive to you and you down and restrain them, you wont get charged for the restrain, that would do wonders. In other words, create some sort of self-defense mechanism with the aggression system however it can best be done even if it isn't perfect something is better than nothing.
  3. There should be a list of the top ten most wanted players on the server that any bounty hunter can arrest. The most wanted list. Other than that, bounty hunters should be able to choose their four bounties from a list. However, to make things less griefy, there needs to be a threshold implemented for what constitutes a player being able to be hunted by bounty hunters. If your bounty is under 10k, you shouldn't be able to be harassed by BHs, only the cops, lol. As the system is right now its obviously broken because all anybody ever does is bounty hunt and they go after players with 2k bounties which just pisses people off and there is no point for having possible bounties that low other than to grief new spawns. TL;DR Make minimum bounty level requirement for BH to hunt be at least 10k, no more small, worthless bounties pls.
  4. Tanoa gets its own Law Enforcement Agency, with weapons.
  5. Get rid of night vision unless you have a talent which allows you to use it for flying. Night vision is to OP for firefights on land and totally negates the point of night time. Other than that, add more lights in cities and on major roads. Add in glow sticks into the game that can be worn on the body, like in ACE, so that players can see where they are going in the middle of a pitch black field at night. Can you imagine a night time firefight with no nightvision for players on the ground? For one, the firefight would be very intense and lengthy, and players would have to rely on muzzle flash and footsteps to get players locations. This would also give rebels and cops a reason to buy weapon flashlights (but they'd have to know when and when not to use them, or else they'd give their position away!). EDIT: It was also be interesting if only the Police SWAT team would get access to NVGs when they were deployed. Make it so that if they die, their bodies can be raided at least for NVGs by other players. Make NVGs a SWAT only item so that any player wearing them is doing something illegal.
  6. Why are all the people with decent graphics processors and monitors being punished just so the poor people can play on their potato machines?
  7. I wouldn't play Asylum if they turned into hardcore RP. If you want RP like that, go play at a modded community (however, beware, most modded communities are toxic as hell and not even fun like Asylum can be). However, what would be great is if Asylum struck an adequate middle ground. The rules should be relaxed as they are now. You should be able to be a troll and do whatever if you want as long as you are not breaking the server. However, some elements of the game need to have higher standards. Im talking about whitelisted roles. Cops and EMS should be whitelisted roles. (This has been said a billion times by many people, and it is always disregarded with a huff and a sneer). Cops should HAVE TO abide by a more demanding RP standard. I'm talking about only getting player names from RP interaction (reading an ID or pretend finger print scanning them while detained, etc etc). Cops should HAVE TO have actual probable cause in order to initiate interactions such as traffic stops and detentions (seeing someone on the wanted list SHOULD NOT be probable cause, but metagaming, that is no fun!). A cool feature that would aid this would be to only make the police wanted list available for officers only inside of PDs, so that way, the ability to always instantly check an up to date wanted list is removed. And make it so that in the field, officers have to interact with a player through their scroll menu, click something like "ID suspect" and then once that is done, they can return to their vehicle, get inside, and use the scroll wheel menu to use a function called something like "Check For Player(s) in Database" which will return info stating the players current bounty amount and most serious charges (i.e. murder, theft, etc). This way, officers can still see players names so they can report them on the forums when need, however, it will also force even the most lazy cop to do some work in order to catch a bounty. Only EMS should get direct access to medical supplies ( rebels could get access to more expensive "blackmarket" medical supplies at rebel base in order to work with their talents so they can still revive friends in battle if no medic is around, this would also give a reason for gangs to stock pile medical supplies). EMS should never heal criminals before cops. They are government employees! However, criminals can always RP forcing a medic to heal them or a friend, or they can even RP robbing the medic of their medical supplies!
  8. Well, I guess RP will never get better on Asylum then, you're right, screw it.
  9. Only way RP gets better on Asylum is if they raise cop RP standards and add in more legal roleplay with the governor position. It would be cool if players could elect councils to write and amend laws for certain things. Also, a long, long time ago, I remember Paratus or someone mentioning something about adding in a feature where players could buy property and convert them into businesses. Never happened. I guess they figured all the RDM, KOS, and trolling was enough to keep us occupied indefinitely.
  10. Sort of be.....Never really was that way since the bar to be a cop on Asylum is so low, its practically non-existent. IMO, bounty hunters have always been cops just with shittier game mechanics working for them. Now, bounty hunters are cops. Period. Its official. The devs want to phase out APD! Might as well get rid of medics of too, no one uses them anyhow (not sure why they ever introduced them without whitelisting in the first place).
  11. I just shot myself in the head after reading this. Just for the lols.
  12. APD is more useless now than ever before. Great Job! Keep up the good work officers!
  13. Make cops have to do actual legal RP so that there is a reason for them being whitelisted law enforcers. No more gang members as cops, since they can just be BH and do the exact same shit the cops already have been doing (which is taze, ticket/arrest, repeat). OR, get rid of tazer bullets for cop rifles. Cops should be able to lethal everyone and everything now since BH are the real cops. They can keep their tazer pistols just in case. OR, get rid of cops all together. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<--------------------------------------- RIP APD, you died a long, long time ago, 7.0 just put your reanimated corpse back in the ground.
  14. So, basically, Asylum gameplay has become even more insane. Fantastic.
  15. Simple suggestion. Please, for the love of god make it a rule to have to change your screen name in game when playing off duty from the APD as a criminal or rebel. I'm tired of getting rolled up on by cops with gang tags in their names and not knowing for sure whether they are legit cops. Plus, its pretty immersion breaking to have cops running around with gang tags, I mean, common. Its not that hard to change your name when you go off or on duty, just have a separate Arma profile. Now I am going to briefly rant. Asylum is making Identity which is supposed to be all about RP, yet, the average RP on Asylum servers is bad. Ive been playing here for over two years. Its bad. If you have ever played legit RP servers elsewhere, you know what I mean. Just because Asylum is casual RP, doesn't mean the RP should be so watered down that it is practically non-existant. There should be more forced RP standards, adding this rule to the APD would just be one step in the right direction for the whole community, I feel. Next, some better rules should be implemented server wide for all players, but I won't even bother getting into that, I know the responses I will probably get. Thanks.
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