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Everything posted by Teddy_

  1. it's the apd's fault! we knew they were at rebel since we had their bounty, so we pulled a box truck and a few cars and put them around cocaine processing to bait them when they would've driven back to athira then cops started just passing our little set up and they fought for like 20 minutes , one of the cops was a buddy of mine who was complaining about getting shot from the tower so i thought i'd help =)
  2. Sometimes even cops need some help... never got a pardon though =( https://youtu.be/5X3jgpOdTMk
  3. Cops with flashbangs = Aids, Civs with flashbangs = Super aids Civs in kavala with flashbangs = WW3
  4. Assume every time you do something sketchy they are going to report you or just dont do anything sketchy at all, i get threatened every day to get reported by ppl who are red named ppl who got texted and didnt comply usually when someone feels like u rdm'd them or something they will cry about it in side chat. Dredge beat me to it >.>
  5. while i was on civ with my friends hunting a bounty at the bank the cops started coming in, i gave some information on where some of them were and @USCCHRIS started texting me back about where my friends were at who not to shoot , pretty much relayed information back and forth making it an interesting Civ / Cop effort at getting the people from the bank. It was one of the few times we as bounty hunters didn't get screwed over by the APD (As in being downed by an officer after telling them multiple times we're there to help) i feel like it was mainly because of USCchris passing on the information he got from our texts so big +1 to him! Also good job at all the cops at the bank on p3 didn't get all of your names but it was fun to work with the cops as a civ
  6. I love how that perfectly described my asylum life so far when i had more friends i was a rebel when they played the division i became a sgt and now im a bh with 4 friends xD On topic: The thing i like about bh is the honor system once i got everything i will go back to rebel its just a fun extra thing to work for rebel is fun with friends getting into crazy fights doing banks cartels and all if you are into that kind of stuff
  7. good luck , stay safe man
  8. Weapons might be more expensive to make then to buy because there's a lower risk getting caught at black market then for example at cocaine field / processing when doing a cocaine run, the payout from a cocaine run is higher since there's actually more risk involved Also now you have a reason to take over panagia and whatever the tanoa version of it is to get reduced weapon making cost. in the end it comes down to the ammount of risk involved really
  9. You have to at least get perm banned and talk your way out of it before u can say u did everything Edit you beat me to it wp
  10. I STILL REFUSE next time i'll just send my saved vids to dan so he can make something out of it, i barely know how to turn on my computer tbh
  11. Go fuck yourself dan , i'm too lazy to edit them like your shit videos
  12. Teddy master of hiding stuff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjJRDg-Q0aA&feature=youtu.be Told you it worked @Henry Facesmasher
  13. Teddy_

    Steam Status

    that moment you realize 99% of the games you play are connected through steam... hmm Comp plis
  14. Honestly, RP from the cops towards the civ is already piss poor , you turn yourself in you explain charges for 15 minutes creating a story and still get a half ticket from your 20k bounty, i wonder how well the RP would have to be from a 100k+ guy cops already don't listen and donor is the only place rebels are semi safe, except for the bounty hunters sitting there. There's no point in making it nearly impossible for rebels to find a way to gear up, either there's a guy camping at rebel or there's cops at donor if this was added if you really want to check donor, go check it just don't camp it ruining the fun for ppl who are in it to fight at cartels. both sides are in it to have fun, if you want to improve RP stop chasing bounties outside of cities and talk to the people that are in the cities because no rebel will be happy about a cop sitting at donor and try to talk their way out of it
  15. i don't even know what to say to that
  16. I actually recognize your name usually it means you pissed me off at one point but ah well xD welcome back enjoy the oh so lovely community and hope.to see you in game
  17. out of all admins i thought you would be the one to approve of this mayhem and chaos (edited cuz i'm stupid)
  18. @Sky go back to carreer cop u dunno what you are talking about... smh
  19. Those comments, My ego <3 someone remembered me as a Sgt feelz gud lol xD the one time i don't just completely potato
  20. Yeah would like to see what you guys saw xD was a good moment for me and my sting Lel
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