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APD Officer
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About .Max

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    in bloom

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  1. 3 HOUSES 2 GARAGES this is fire
  2. Fire idea to be honest. All fun and games until patato sees this and writes a paragraph following his ego suggestion denial
  3. .Max

    gang factory

    bro edited the edit that he just edited while posting the words edit but yet had to edit that message as well
  4. sounds like ur the one crying 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 this is a crazy statement bro thinks the rules of a altis life server is made for kids wtf are u talking about
  5. I understand where you are coming from a little bit though you did loose a shit ton. I'm sure others also lost the same amount compared to what they did as you. The runs wouldn't have been quicker. The storage that you were using was over 3x the storage you would have had with a normal tempest. That's at least 30 minutes of driving. Not to mention your little risk when you barely had to move. I understand you spent a lot of time there but that time would have been spent anyways. You eliminated 30 minutes of work easily and a shit ton of risk. For the people who didn't get this chance to a abuse a bug and have players like you who are 1 mil ahead just simply isn't fair.
  6. "the only thing I did was abuse the bug why did I loose my money"
  7. wow donald you're an intellectual ❤
  8. funny how half the niggas whining on here would actually debate suicide without their apd rank
  9. wow! i'm hyped! lets go asylum! whos ready to grind!?!?!?!?!?!?!? 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
  10. someone give this man his black suv back post wipe
  11. .Max

    Opfor Faction

    In theory if the server becomes more populated post wipe and people are interested in new content I feel like a OPFOR faction would be a pretty cool thing to try. Here's how I think it should be: A faction with a border down the middle of heroin somewhere in Sofia. The way this faction makes money is purely based off of heroin and taxing civs running heroin The opfor faction could also have the option to assist the cops or civs in a fed event or remain mutual. I feel like this could bring balance in a way to uneven cop V civ fights. I do understand that the server would have to have a little more pop for this to work but I honestly just wanted to see if the community was open to it or liked the idea at all. The faction wouldn't really interfere with anyone at all unless there is a fed event going on or someone puts themself in a situation where they would have to interact. This would create more player interaction in the end. Obviously with a new faction would come a bunch of rules and such but just wanted to see if anyone can get behind the idea.
  12. Pyrgos best looking town so far. Only complaint is Athira square looks a lifeless, probably gonna have to change up the spawns too if you are trying to get people away from where the "square" used to be. Where the kav update at?
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