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Everything posted by Dredd

  1. There's literally a couple of handfuls of people who even want to RP. Everyone else's attitude is simply "f* you, eat sh*t, you restrained me so you're a f*n robocop, I'll never pay my ticket you douchebag, hurry the f* up idiot". Have any of you considered that those people are the ones causing the problems with RP? A few hours of that and when you run into the RARE rebel that actually DESIRES to RP that some struggle to be in the mood for some pirate ship story without any knowledge in the <insert random situation that makes no sense whatsoever just so long as it lasts more than 5 minutes>. There are people really good at RP, and it's those situations that I play cop for. But they are rare.
  2. The response I saw to that issue was from a dev stating it would be very difficult to make it differentiate who's red and who's not inside a vehicle. Currently intentional; although I would love to be able to specify it. It's just going to be a bitch to do.
  3. Tried both situations multiple times and it didn't work. Twice I heard the clack-up sound but had to use the scroll menu as they were not restrained.
  4. Thanks for fixing breaking the restraints hotkey. WORKS PERFECTLY not at all.
  5. Cadets are constantly respawning with lethals. In some cases unless they softlog any rounds they purchase are converted to lethals.
  6. Nobody is saying that they want UC to be able to fool experienced players, a fucking 12 year old with two weeks play time can figure it out anyways... But - my question is: Is it possible to script it to allow the UC to change their displayed name in game? While the in-game player list would show what I connected as, everyone else would see a custom name that can be changed periodically without having to fully reconnect. @Gnashes @bamf And while we are at it... the warrant slot... You have a warrant for someone, down and restrain them and they combat log. When they log back and and end up in jail you have to softlog because they are still an active warrant. And that's not to mention how much of a pain in the ass the warrant slot is! Being only able to pull one at a time and having to go back to the HQ to grab a new one is a gigantic nuisance. The current process is 82% (internet derivative) ineffective and makes it very undesirable. So, nobody really likes warrant very much, the drug slot is unavailable, undercover is basically for the cops who want to wear better gear... and in the end we have three truely useful slots and that is Medic. 30+ cops wanting to use the same three slots... BOHICA.
  7. I may not play civ @bigjohn561 but I also don't go out of my way to shaft any one person doing any of those events. I am guilty of being a shit tier player despite whatever gear you folks may or may not be able to pick up from my dead cold hands as I am thoroughly enjoying the fun. Bottom line is YOU ARE my content, letting you think you're having fun is part of the game for me. That being said, there are individuals (on p2) who intentionally bug swat. And it is those individuals who I personally find intriguing when they specifically complain about cops logging off because they have no other choice but to soft log to respond. Of course some think that's intentional but I've never seen it nor heard it. Not once. Not ever. It's like this really - Imma cheat, but when I don't get my way imma claim someone else is cheating. Make sense? No worries if it doesn't. Let me cut you a half ticket.
  8. Right. Because they should stay logged in and have to drive from wherever they are on the map? That's what you're implying? Because intentionally bugging swat makes it so everyone has to soft log. You guys do it to yourselves...
  9. Clearly you can replace all those redgulls with one Huan Lee, cause you can run all day on just one of those!
  10. In the APD there are things you are required to do whether you agree with them or not. In this case I give you the perfect example of why a 13 year old is not allowed in the APD: looking back at your post do you see how you challenged the rule and at the same time assumed the rule was written by an idiot? Well, maybe your brain isn't developed enough yet to see the comparison, or maybe it is. My son is 16 and plays here as well. Even though he comes across very mature most of the time, I wouldn't want him on the force because there are other times where his judgment is so far off from where the Captains want us to be.
  11. I'm thinking the K-9 unit is a major turnoff to the devs. Perhaps a more conservative approach will get better results? - like blood bags for medics, vehicle tracker abilities; perhaps limited number of active tracks at one time. - fake "under the influence" graphic. - similar to detecting the smell of burning flesh the ability to sense drugs on a person/vehicle. - a more direct line with drug dealer snitching. - ability to GoPro a civilian you hire as an informant
  12. You spammed 911 with money transfers but none of us were paid. Please do this via the ATM next time.
  13. @bamf The introduction of cannibalism is when I noticed it being so pronounced.
  14. Well there's your proof if you've ever needed it. Can't make everyone happy. Dang it!
  15. I play solely on cop and I think you should have a better payout personally. Fuck me? Sheesh!!!
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