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Everything posted by Purple1

  1. i always feel bad for the people in these pictures. these third world countries do not have electricity to heat their homes so they have to burn stuff to stay warm. due to the patriotism for american across the globe we have american flags everywhere. although it is unpatriotic and illegal these poor people are left with no other option.
  2. Ingredients and Supplies Laboratory setting Pepperdine Niacinamide Phylloquinone Calciferol Steps 1. Pepperdine is reacted with niacinamide and phylloquinone2. The result is pepperdineniacinamidephylloquinone3. This is reacted with calciferol4. Mix with food dyes5. Bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees6. Let cool for 2 hours7. Rinse and repeat Possible Side Effects of Consumption 1. Find the cure for cancer. 2. Learn to love yourself and the world around you. 3. Become the best chef on the show top chef. 3. Murder your whole family. 4. Go to prison for murdering various people.
  3. sometimes i wonder what it would be like to be something other than american. but who would want to be european which still can't put its states back together. why the fuck do you need 100 different countries when you can be 1 united states of europe. pathetic tbh.
  4. Purple1

    3k arma hours?

    once you grow up you will realize that you can have sex while playing arma.
  5. wrong i shoot a man with a mk1 and he died but then shot him again with the rook and he didnt die. the problem with the pistol is bullet's velocity isnt even faster than a cheetah which makes hunting gazelles hard.
  6. i could not think of a single bad thing or off topic approach to this hot video of sexy men singing steamy gangster rap.
  7. you probably have a corrupt system 32 file, i saw on a physic show you can call a guy to come cleanse it from corruption and make your computer run really really fast all over again.
  8. good tunes, why do you use a pistol when a rifle is superior i do not get it. cool music though reminds me growing up in Harlem in the 80s.
  9. wow i gave him 10$ and he said that he would only give me a handjob please ban this troll.
  10. dude you are so right. i absolutely hate when people try to push boundaries that are there for a reason, in life we have these boundaries to protect us from certain unfortunate events. i think one of the most unfortunate events caused by pushing boundaries happened when that fucker asshole painted the mona lisa. he decided to do a new but extremely shitty new "way" of painting that overshadow some great works of that time. johannes vermeer was an undocumented painter who painted this shitty shack out in the middle bum fuck medieval no-where. this extremely gifted painter created multiple masterpieces of a girl in his tiny house. this girl has caused a lot of debate amongst the the art history world on where or no they were related or not. also his last two paintings ever made were empty places where a girl was previously in other paintings. this creates a very sincere sadness that you cannot find in any other piece of ocular literature. also i hate running in circles because it makes my arthritis act up.
  11. i hate this mechanic! lets start a server wide riot in all 4 kavals and 1 georgetown and rock these devs to their knees in submission! fuck the police fuck the scripts and fuck the guy who painted the mona lisa because that painting is pretty shitty but only popular do to some bullshit half-assed smile that some dumbass basic bitch made while being painting in a forest setting that was poorly drawn to proportion of her body even considering all possible angles the painter could of painted her from! during that era of art it was very special to paint highly detailed and proportional pictures so this painter made a shitty attempt at a common practice among artist in that era! on top of that johannes vermeer was alive not far away from that time period and painted a much more mysterious and much more detailed masterpiece (i should say pieces) that creats a great mystery than the mona lisa ever could.
  12. no but you spoke to me rudly in this gaming forum and now im a in pain/scared by your uncooth nature. purple man group was around long before blue man group, they formed in the 1860s during ww1 and completely demolished all the nazis and crashed the berlin wall single handedly. blue man group is lame compared to purple man group.
  13. that song is my favorite ice cube song
  14. you will be missed man. i remember when you were a boy, young and ambitious. now you are a man retarded and ready to face new challenges. good luck sir on your retardedment i hope you have wonderful migration.
  15. after a heated debate with me and myself i've come to a conclusion that my gang is too good for anyone else. i've already notified myself that the gang is disbanded and me and me are going to have to find a new gangbang to join. its very sad but you know life happens and sometimes bad boys just have to go to timeout. pm if interested in the trademark rights to Purple Man Group as i share 50/50 ownership with me and myself. i hope you all have a wonderful family gathering as i will myself also too.
  16. do you have a purple man group? no? you wouldn't even be allowed in loser. we require you have no more than 10 hours and are 69 years old only. you must also smoke a bowl live on stream while also eating a bowl of cereal that has miniature bowls of cereal inside said cereal. after you meet these requirements you may be considered for an interview with me.
  17. What is your in game name? : Purple What is your age? : 19 How much money do you have on Asylum? : 109k How many hours do you have on Arma 3? : 254 Have you ever been banned? : Never. What gangs have you been part of? : None. Why do you want to join the gang? : To have fun and make some money. In your own opinion how would you describe your skill set? : I am tactically capable and am profficient in combat at various ranges. I am a great sniper but I am also good at close range combat. Is there any current gang member that can vouch for you? : I don't know any of you yet.
  18. I'll wait to see what Valkyrie has to say.
  19. This is true. I've never been in a gang on this server that participated in cartels. It would not take long for me to learn them as I have a great memory. I mean you all had to learn them yourselves at one point right?
  20. I understand but my point is that you probably miss out on potentially good players due to this limitation. However, I understand the reason behind it so good luck and thank you for taking the time to reply.
  21. What is your in-game name? Purple What are your skills? Long, medium and close range combat. I'm also pretty solid at driving which I find a lot people struggle with in this game for some reason.What are your previous gang affiliation(s)? None.Why should we accept you? I'm a team player and tactically profficient. I am capable for any role you give me. I'm laid back and mature (19 years old ) so you won't hear me rage or clutter comms during a mission (something I find extremely annoying). Even though I only have 250 hours in ARMA 3, I have experience from previous ARMA games which are only slightly different fromm each other. I hope you guys give me a chance because I won't dissapoint.Link your Arma 3 hours through screenshot. Time Zone: EST
  22. I find it odd that people are expected to have 1,000 hours in a game before they are considered to join a group. I've been playing Dota 2 since closed beta and yet I still only have 900 hours in that game. Experience is good but you can still be terrible at the game with 1,000 hours on your account. If you look at the scope of 1,000 hours, it is exactly 41 days. If I were to play this game for 41 days straight without sleeping then I could be considered to join your gang. If that doesnt seem silly to you then maybe you need to rethink your life goals.
  23. In game Name: Purple Hours on Arma 3 [Screenshot]: 246 (I'll screenshot it later) Age: 19 Previous gangs: None Why do you want to be in this gang? To enable my ability to partake in the larger activities of the server. Why should we accept you? I'm an accurate shooter. I'm also relaxed and laid back. Although my hours in this game are small, I've played all ARMA games from 1 to 3 for a very long time combined. One of your requirements is for me to know the calls for the cartels, I should tell you now that I don't but I can learn very fast. How often are you on Asylum? I used to play it religiously but then took a long break because college started. I'll be very active until spring of next year.
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