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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Canna

  1. I think we are defeating our goal of populating our servers when we currently only have maybe 100 to 150 active members spread out between 3 servers. I suggest we go to one server. This would make for more activity overall and if we do build the population back up we can always reopen 2. Yes some people will get but hurt, but the only way this game is going to get funner is w/ people.
  2. Problem: So over the many years on the server I and I'm sure many of you fine folks, have had problems with guns/loadouts inside the crates in the gang house ONLY to come back to them the next day and see that they all been snuffed and no one will admit they stole them. Solution: I suggest a locker system with a lock that is either locked w/ a pin or key that comes with the box/locker or a scroll option like the locks on the house. Limit lockers based on size of house.
  3. Canna

    New admins

    Olympus is fucking trash. The cops are shit. The market is shit. Have fun trying to RP for 20 min to get 0 reduction on ticket and sent to jail for over an hour. Good times.The only plus side is no one on that server can aim. Swear to god 90% of the idiots couldn't even shot themselves in the face if they were holding their own pistol to it.
  4. A little late but I'll still take it Casino's, Fight Clubs, and Contract Killings (Feb 2016) Still think casino's would be dope. Or some sort of gambling system. For example, a 1v1 tourney that people can bet on and if there team wins. They get pay day! if not, well better luck next time. Maybe a 1v1 challenge that is on your phone that allows you to challenge someone and even put a "Bet" on it to show off how cocky they are. It should deliver a pop up message for people to let them know there is a "1v1 Challenge - No Limits" at the salt fields..Everyone that attends the CQB Arena (Jokes but was made by me.) can also place bets and make or lose money on it. Add leader board for the champions Champions can have perks like 50% of at rebel or something one of a kind. Whatever admins would see fit. But def make it worth perusing.
  5. Reminiscing about the good old days.
  6. I didn't see anything special.
  7. We need new cartel locations or places of interest to attract fights between gangs. Add some new guns from the add-on's. More 7.62 options for the cops. Lets be honest. The 7.62 for swat is not a game changer at all. Its nice but like any gun. In the wrong hands (90% of people playing here) there not any better then a 6.5. Adjust the price like the flash bangs if your worried about them being over used. Would add more life to cop and would be nice to fight fire with fire. Great start!
  8. Holy shit...Could you imagine a prison near Kavala! Make the castle the prison that would be insane.
  9. I agree a good old Martha Stewart Prison Makeover should/would be amazing at pygos however how it stood at the time it was a pretty even sided. Yes the bridge gap was the chock point but thats what made it fun and excited for cops to YOLO through the killzone and slowly progress to the front to bang/smoke/attack or whatever the strat is. Its def never been a 100% success for any gang. KISS - Keep it stupid simple - Is sometimes the best way to do things. Again it can just be the "Reg" Jail. No offense to any design idea but when you stuck in that bitch for 45min....looks are the last thing you worry about. Of course everyone goe's "hahahahah what does the new prison look like buddy?" to there friend who just got popped or picked up by the bounty hunter but thats so short lived. What people want is function and fun and the old pyrgos attack and defense setup weither pretty or not was very enjoyable and EVERYONE flipped a nut and still to this day miss it for what it was. Last thing...Think of it like a classic car - Sure the 69' Stingray could use a makeover but somethings are just better left the way there were just tuned up a bit.
  10. Perhaps we all can make a sub forum post/topic outside this post about the things were talking about to keep this thread on topic. I'm guilty too. Again Congrats!
  11. Totally, 100% understand the pride and love that goes into something you create. But I also think a sign of a great leader is being humble. He knows and we all know that the old prison is one of the most debated topics of 2017 and people do want the old prison back. There is no reason why we cant have 2 prisons. The current, as once mentioned, could be a max for higher bounties. @bamf 2017! Time for change! Let the peoples voices be heard!
  12. Yeaaa....Let the "Old Pyrgo's Prison" rant begin! Please and Thanks?
  13. I think the point of the post is that it would be interesting to have some more crafting options for more things to do. I don't think the ingredients are as important as the available things to craft. For example I'm pretty sure I don't need cocaine to make a bullet for my person .308 Remington 700. There are a lot of resources that should either be removed or giving purpose like glass for example. Another idea to branch off this is cloths in general. Each clothing depending on its available capacity could require xx number of cloth which could be gathered at the hunting ground. Which would make that whole job the admins did at the hunting grounds not be a complete waste and something extra to do or need.
  14. Toxic. I like the idea. I think there could/should be a way to craft most anything in the game such as scopes. Glass is something you can buy. Why not use the resource for scope crafting. Carrier lite or clothing no different. The whole game is a "GRIND" why would it be a problem to add new things to do. No shit some of us have a mil and buying is easier but like me. Sometimes things get boring and your just looking for shit to do or time to kill. Why not? How about an actual just reason other then toxic, 3rd grade level comments. <3
  15. Your not a gang member and hardly a friend of. stay out our thread please. thanks.
  16. Why are people doing farwell post? -1 when people do that. Its a game. Its not that big of a deal. Lamo. Bro. We've been around for over 2 years. You think your the first to leave and join a different gang? Every 3-4 months we have a mass invite were we have 20+ people then a few months go by and people leave. We have "core members" and "members". Core memebers are those who've been here the entire time and stuck with the ups and downs. The dedicated. Then we have those who have just joined and yet to show there dedication on the other side of the dedicated coin who you those who only time will tell. Take it as you want but time doesn't even stutter when anyone leaves the gang....It's mentioned, then its dismissed. I wish nothing but good things to anyone. You paid for the game. You all do what your heart tells you, you want to do. 0\ to the 3 of you.
  17. Alright so clearly extended jail sentance is a no go. each bullet is a suggestive concequence. I personally think just an added 1 hour parol after you get out is good enough. Didn't say catering. I'm just pointing out theres people that spend excessive amount of time and even money here and their opinion, if its the mass's, shouldn't be ignored and dismissed. People are what makes this server run and last as long as it has. Without people there is no server.
  18. Yeah it doesn't seem fair to be honest. He comes on a handful times a year. Where there are people with over 3000 and even 4000 hours dedicated to asylum servers. Then makes changes that HE seems fit with out even bouncing it off the people who run or populate his server. How about the fact that people pay hard earned money to get crate keys. People spend money here. Just my opinion but if people spend the kind of money I've heard and there opinions are completely dismissed. Puts a bad taste in people mouth. Would be great if he put a community post up with a pole to see if THE PEOPLE who populate and spend cash on his servers are for or against said ideas. Ultimately the decision is up to him and the higher ups but I think we should be able to influence this since so much of our life's are dedicated to his server and money being spent. Then to put the cherry on top. Thanks. Any ideas on how we can make it "Max"?
  19. Great Criticism, Remove the amount of bounty needed to get the concenquence and instead replace with type of crime or amounts of crimes committed. Banks, Feds, Suicide Vest, Speed Bombs, Kidnapping etc. Whatever seems just.
  20. Better have a better story. I was a chef cooking at a hall of 300 and something got into the soup. I could rp that scenario for 20 minutes. BET I get damn near off my ticket.
  21. People crying about hr + are the ones who have to worry about. We all would have to worry about it. It doesn't even have to be a mandiotry. It can be an option on the scroll for cops if the crime/criminal is qualified for it. Like when seizing is done. What do you think the point of a Maximum is? its suppose to be more sever then regular prison. It doesn't even have to be an hour + can just stay the 45min max and add something else more sever like the other "consequences". Point of the thread is to brainstorm. not just shit on hypothetical numbers. what seems like a good idea for a maximum prison. Scenario - You have a criminal with a high bounty or whatever the requirements are needed to be met to allow a Max Prison sentence. You take them to the HQ and do your normal processing. You'll have it as a scroll wheel option like "Send to jail", but as Send to Maximum Security" or whatever seems fit. If the criminal does a good job rping his ticket he doesn't need to worry. But if he's been a handful and he keeps telling you to suck it from the back, well then. give them the max! I think this would be helpful for Kavala or other role playing scenarios. Or general attitude control. Doesn't just have to be high bounty related. Say kidnapping was a maximum offense. Might be less cops being kidnapped. Maybe. From some one who orders mass kidnappings all the time and love to kidnap cops....I might lay off a little more if I'm risking a lengthy sentence. Where on a map the size of Texas (sarcasm). 0 chance that there would be only one prison or jail. There would be a multiple, and there would be jails, Prisons, and a Max Prisons. Id go even further. Because I'm fucking crazy. I imagine semi banable offenses like harassment, mass RDM, ect, getting you a "Life Sentence" - Life sentence. As in one whole restart for from the time of you being put in jail. Instead of banning someone for 2-3 days or a week. Maybe give them consecutive life sentences. where all they can do to get there life back in asylum is to server it in jail. #NetflixAndChill
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