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ł S4M ł

APD Officer
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Posts posted by ł S4M ł

  1. 11 hours ago, Kawaii said:

    I'm surprised, I would have thought you would love the chinese considering you are from a 3rd world shithole yourself. All you do is get on competitive games everyday, get shit on, then go on and whine like a miserable faggot in every post you make. You must truly have an awful life if you spend all your time playing and complaining about something you hate, when it gets to be too much and you kill yourself please be sure to send us a forum post to let us know you are finally out of your misery. keeping you in our prayers until then! 

    I’m from the uk you fat spastic, what are you yapping about.

    I’m not complaining about them as players and the fights I’m just saying the ping, the connection to this server is criminal.

    read the initial post and my comments, I like fighting them, they are enjoyable fights but the ping is not fun to play against.

    I’m assuming you’re American based on the lack of understanding on this subject and also the fact you called the UK a third world county so I suggest you pipe down, go to school in your bullet proof vest and take notes when the active shooter comes in and learn from them about how to fire a gun you waste of flesh.

    please don’t get it twisted, I am no way complaining, this is a suggestion thread about ping to the server and couldn’t care less about if they’re banned or not.


    250 ping cap is more than reasonable for a suggestion, if you don’t want to region lock then something needs to be in place to prevent people from being unkillable (again not a skill issue, look at the videos, some die to headshots instantly, but then they shotgun other times because their ping spikes over 250-350)

  2. 8 hours ago, Kawaii said:

    same complaints same arguments everytime this is at least the 100th time this topic has come up, please improve upon your skill issues and stop crying if you cant deal with a chinese gang then you may need to reflect a little upon yourself 🤣

    I’m sure you’ve had much experience at cartels you career medic, Athira sitting spastic.


    use a bigger gun than 9mm and try to fight 12 China men with 250 ping shotguning and losing connection whilst shooting at you.

    clueless monkeys like you belong in a zoo, I’ll be your personal zoo keeper. I now consider you my personal fucking ape.

    Crossfade and ARCHELOGIST like this
  3. 19 minutes ago, Fried Rice said:

    I mean, yea they lag but so do you guys? The EU doesn’t have perfect ping either. I never encounter what you showed in these videos. Sure they get a kill here and there, but nothing wild. Me, vortex and tach were 3v13 last week and wiped them back to back for an hour or 2 with no complaints other than being outnumbered. When I connect to an EU server my ping is like 150-200, so I’m sure you FSA kids aren’t much better.


    Should we ban you guys as well since you have 100 more ping than me?

    Most retarded statement I've ever heard,  when they're hitting the ping cap which is nearly triple our ping that's when it's a problem.

    EU people play on NA servers in every game, CS, Valorant, League but when do you ever see china playing on NA or EU? you don't because they are region locked or 300 ping is unplayable for them/us.

    we aren't saying they're unkillable, we're not saying they destroy us read my post, I said they're fun fights, long good fights but it's ridiculous that 2-300 ping is the norm.

    Filiip and Knight05 like this
  4. 13 hours ago, Fried Rice said:

    Its always the players that are bad that complain about the Chinese. 

    you fight them at cartels for a week, we push og window CQC but trade constantly, when we kill them it doesn't even say that we got the kill it just say's they died?

    if you don't think ping is a defining factor when playing video games then you're the biggest retard known to mankind.

    Respectfully obviously.

    8 hours ago, Filiip said:


    @Fried Rice you think this is a skill issue? you think ping doesn't play a role in this? I'm sick of degen retards saying "its just Arma being Arma" when you have a 300 ping degen standing still and then you fall over.

    Crossfade and Knight05 like this
  5. they are killing this server but are also keeping it alive which is weird to say.

    we have 100's of clips of them lagging, rubber banding, de-syncing, tanking shots, disconnecting mid fight because of ping.

    I shoot this guy in the head multiple times, he flinches once and keeps running like nothing happened? how is this fun to play against?

    change the ping cap, we have really fun fights with them but they are also a cancer. 

    Daggerz99, Lalor, Rook1 and 4 others like this
  6. I agree with you somewhat, it was 32 of us and only 17 cops, you are funnelled into one entrance if you're in ground vehicles but I need to point out the lack of coordination from the cops this most recent event.


    For example we had 4 people on West windmill rocks, cops come and kill & disarm them, they then proceed to snipe 500m out with MK's whilst you hot drop ATM 3 times, they are useless at this point but still do it.


    You guys did 1 attempt at getting construction, if you gained construction control and helped secure the orca landing top ATM it would have been a lot harder for us but they kept sniping the entire fight.


    After it was over, the cops made no attempt to follow the flat bed with air support, you had no idea where it was or anything. Overall yes, its a very hard push for cops especially when heavily outnumbered but the coordination from you guys was non existent.


    Blowing up mobile HQ is aids but needed especially when we have to gear up 5km away, get camped by degens and bounty hunters.


    if they added a green zone mobile rebel 3k away that would be nice? limit the amount of rebels that can take part? make the token only accessible for people who were initially there when the drilling began (stops late comers)? 

    The token is the main goal for most so maybe put the token in the flat bed? make it so you have to hand it in somewhere else, a token ticket that is lost on death (no cost until you hand it in)?

  7. If you roleplay as a cop you get blacklisted for corruption, you have to fight fight fight always, your gun is your primary weapon now unfortunately.  

    Even if you're the only cop online and all 20 players on the server are fighting in Sofia you're expected to down and restrain them or leave the area and sit in a car in Athira waiting to be RDM'd.


  8. Please don’t, this makes it 10x harder for cops and civs, if you’re a cop (lower rank) you can’t pen the glass so you’re sat there waiting to be dropped on or you chase them until they crash…


    For rebels, cops already pull enough armour, swat always gets deployed and we will spend more time mag dumping hunters and striders which intern gets our heads shot off by the  mk1 camping monkey 500m out…


    sure change the medic hunter and strider who cares, but bounty hunter, cop and civ are fine, if you want ifrit glass buy an ifrit.

    Silver-Spy and Walt like this
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