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Add jewelry crafting

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When metal detecting you get items like gold doubloons, ruby's, silver pieces, etc. It would be cool if you could craft them into jewelry pieces like the ones you can sell at the African warlord merchant or if you could sell them at the jewelry store. Maybe you could even just smelt like  300 gold doubloons into 1 gold bar or something, I just wish you could do more than sell or drop all the items from metal detecting.

Trioxide, Exzelz, Donald and 2 others like this
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8 hours ago, Bourne_identity4 said:

It would be cool if you could craft them into jewelry pieces like the ones you can sell at the African warlord merchant or if you could sell them at the jewelry store. Maybe you could even just smelt like 300 gold doubloons into 1 gold bar or something

I like this idea too. Maybe not so much gold doubloons into bars though or even turning them into the emporium jewelry, just dont know how that would work well with gold bars and emporium jewels being illegal and all.

They could also just approve this suggestion and leave those legality risks for people to deal with on their own, still seem's good that way. Would give good use to the charges for those two items outside of a federal event environment.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We wont be doing this.
It just adds needless complication for us economically.

IE. tying doubloons to gold just makes it harder to balance everything, anytime we go to change the price of a gold bar we would have to look at wreck excavating/metal detecting/admin gifts/login bonus to make sure they don't become over powered. Its already annoying to try and change anything that's used in our existing crafting system as i have to check talents/quests/current recipes and any activity that gives those items to prevent infinite money glitches.

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