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Everything posted by Patato

  1. Patato


    I dont think were accepting suggestions from Ebola anymore
  2. Well, we have a couple thousand active bans for racism. The most recent permanent ban is actually a racism ban. If you see it happening feel free to report where it will be dealt with https://www.gaming-asylum.com/forums/index.php?/support/
  3. You think we can afford her? I've got $20 to throw in
  4. Patato

    S2 dom

    Were going to continue on trying to make it work on S1, 1.) In the long term i think its better to get a higher player count on a consolidated server. Thus attracting new players. 2.) Frankly no one is interested in trying to upkeep and maintain these shitty S2 mods we don't have ownership of/source code for. And no one wants to make them from scratch. 3.) Its never been raised as an issue. But I personally don't expect them to pay for an additional server with the player count how it is. 4.) If its ever going to come back they need to figure out a monetization/donation system that lets it pay for itself. Domination has been freeloading on S1 since its inception
  5. Patato

    Move into modded

    We can't even find people to help maintain Domination. You think development is slow now.... Unless something changes no one on the dev team has the motivation to take on starting a modded server from scratch.
  6. Patato

    Crate Keys

    In need of a Web developer. please submit applications
  7. As for the actual suggestion, I think it just needs alot more detail It leaves me with a lot of questions. What is the purpose of the Govoner if this were to be implemented. Wouldn't this essentially remove the entire role outside of pardoning players? Players are just going to store any gear we give them instead of fight, they already do this when they can get away with it in admin events. Why would players participate in these fights. Most players arn't going to be affected by weed legalization or death penalty. So they would be fighting solely for reduction of taxes. Personally i don't think this is enough incentive leading to lack luster player involvment. Picking factions, Obviously players will want to play with their friends. How do we stop one faction from gaining overwhelming numerical advantage and just steam rolling the other factions. or stopping factions from teaming up? My initial thought was having pre-determined fights between the four citys. Say one week its kavala fighting sofia at the same time as pyrgos fighting athira For this "event" to function i think you need alot more in the way of personal rewards. It also needs to impact the island more. The scenario in my head would be along the lines of Pyrgos faction vs Athira faction. Perhaps pyrgos faction loses and their city falls into chaos. The APD base would be forced to close, but in turn due to the civil unrest the bank would also close and couldn't be robbed. You would also need some sort of mechanic to punish the losing side. Otherwise players will just concede the fight/not participate to get a more advantagous outcome. I think its an interesting concept. But the idea is just not fleshed out enough to really have a conversation amongst devs. It would basically just be me going "How do we have a civil war on asylum"
  8. What a dumb statement S1 Domination event Depositing bonus money directly into your gang account every 5mins for owning a cartel Storage lockers (APD didn't get these) interactive gathering Removing talents I'm also pretty sure the cops would have been just as happy had we not re-added evidence/shipping robbery. APD at any given point can only make up at max 1/3 of the server population. Obviously civilians are important and we want to encourage civ v civ experiences. Its why we basically forbid cops from going to cartels. Its why we have constant random events (Air drops/Ufo/shipping) which cops are dissuaded from attending. The APD are very vocal about wanting to be able to patrol and not sit in federal events all night. The OBVIOUS thing for us to do is to explore ideas (exactly like this one) which encourages civs to fight each other and not cops.
  9. Blackjack in jail but instead of money you're gambling for how long you will be in jail. no max
  10. I get what you're saying. I honestly do. But none of the developers actually have the buttons to do this. Its not a won't or want. Its CANT I would approve this right now and do it if I had the buttons to do it. Unfortunately I have no way of ensuring that even if the section existed that it would be read or used by the people you're trying to reach. The reality is your developers are dedicated to taking in feedback and providing you a response. This is the way we as a development team have agreed to do it. No secret DM conversations. No Developer shopping for features. No confusion (Or at least as little as possible ;3). I could not move it. But it will just sit in the bottom of this forum cluttering it, Our goal as a team is to have you feel heard. 100 forum posts cluttering up our section of the forum asking for changes to things we can't fix isn't fair to us. I already feel bad about some of the suggestions having sat as long as they are. Obviously the community managers don't feel this is an effective way to take in suggestions and have their own method. But i promise you they DO have the button to make an identical forum section just as this one. They choose not to. And with that, I respectfully move this to the section of the forums that is Altis life discussion, i encourage you to discuss why we don't have a suggestion area for Server rules, anything AFD related. and the APD suggestions being mostly ignored. (Granted alot of the things in there are often development suggestions. Turns out APD don't control which gun a constable gets)
  11. Hello, This is unfortunately the development section of the forums. Where you are able to speak with developers about development issues. Rules/Enforcement of rules is not somthing we have any control over. That would be Admins/CM's I have moved your topic to Altis life discussion.
  12. Our web dev has gone missing. Reward for any tips on his location
  13. @Austin Rogers The Original You know what must be done
  14. Patato

    spike strips

    Dev's won't be removing them, reasons given above. If you're looking for a policy/rule change unfortunately this is the wrong place. You either need to speak to the captains ((APD Policy)) or CM's for a rule change.
  15. Which HQ/Where. I see alot of chairs in many of the fire-halls
  16. CMR shall be re-added
  17. We will be increasing house storage 🙂 Approved
  18. Bit unfair, the objective given from leadership was to strip the game down for wipe not add more features. "Asylum Vanilla" if you will I can tell you i spent alot of hours in spreadsheet simulator and made mistakes 1.) Forgetting moonshine existed 2.) A comma on the tempest resulting in a lot of storage 3.) Phosphorus/Hyrdogen were a bit strong. 4.) Bank jobs were strong then i over nerfed it. My biggest contribution was going over every single talent @Fitz and @ObiWokiremoved. and ensuring the buffs were properly applying. ((Did pretty well we only missed one lockpicking buff)). Lots of time was spent on integration hell as multiple people were removing mechanics at the same time. We removed a fuck load of mechanics. The problem with asylum is while yes one dev might remove LSD. If you don't go to every single file where LSD is located it causes issues. So i had to verify that every item that was removed was not in other hidden places. Login Bonus/Random events + 100 other things where we may have given you removed items had to be checked. And i can tell you with the hours we pulled. Alot of mistakes were made that had to be QA'd. Then finally the last week was spent in spreadsheet hell. Turf perks, cartels. Anything that could be sold/bought/crafted/arrested/earned/sent/spawned/flown/driven stored/started/stopped Everything had to be verified that it was paying what it was supposed to. On a surface level yes its fairly brain dead. But it took @Akula @HunterB and the entire support team and a few wiki team members a lot of time. I spent more time than all of them in my test server fixing what they found. Did we miss stuff? For sure. We didn't exactly get a lot of heads up once the decision to wipe was made. Also right in the middle of the busiest time of the year for me. Lost a lot of sleep and fixed hundreds of bugs most players didn't even realize existed. I also chased a ton of phantoms in the code. Example of a phantom i fixed The cop ratio now also counts dead civilians So to answer your question bluntly. None. But content was not the goal given from leadership. Its also not what the community was asking for pre wipe. They wanted polish. I changed dozens of hints and wordings to make the game more clear. Going forward am i working on new content? Again not really. I handled alot of tickets and bugs directly after wipe. Biggest discussions now are working towards a roadmap and what content should be re-added as well as on-going monitoring and changes post wipe. I just spent a good hour or two with @DarkKnightlooking into the cop prestige changes and seeing if the rate players are unlocking perks is what want or if its too slow. The same is being done for BH/Infamy/Gang perks. Housing storage is also on the list for discussion. i have pulled information and am waiting for the next dev/cm meeting to go over storage numbers and possibly house limits. Asylum development is 10% making the thing. 90% stopping you guys from breaking or exploiting it. IE. underwater gold panning, again missed that one ;/
  19. Lets break this down for you The goal of this system was to get actual responses from developers instead of suggestions sitting in a pile for 3 years ignored. (Per previous system) the community at the time wanted more communication from devs. Yes it usually is my account that posts the accepts/denys because im usually the driving force to get developers on teamspeak and actually talking. @Mitch @ObiWoki@Fitz @Witz will probably all agree im the most annoying person in their DM's pushing them to make a decision. It's not an act. Do i go around to every single developer and ask them for their opinion? No. Do we often have meetings and review the suggestion together while i draft a response ? Yes. Been on staff here for 5 years. If any of the Developers/CM's have an issue with something that has my name on it that's been denied, they can and have brought it up. We then have further discussion about it and it can done. The biggest reason you dislike my denys is because im realistic. I know when a bunch of unpaid volunteers arn't going to spend time fixing a bug or go and change 100 spaghetti mechanics. id rather just deny it than say "Approved added to backlog". Creating a false expectation... Next, I rarely if ever lock a topic. I simply sort it into the deny pile. I do not have access to change the forum permissions. I did not set up or ask for the denied section to not allow regular players to continue to respond. You will notice a lack of a "Lock" "No other dev does what you do" Ill take it as a compliment. I value community feedback, especially since when this forum section was created, players expressed a strong desire for more communication from the developers. I've tried my best to uphold that. I'm sorry if it upsets you that some suggestions get denied. What I find interesting is that the main issue seems to be the denial itself, rather than understanding the reasons behind it. I reviewed your previous suggestions, and interestingly, none of them were denied by me. Personally, looking at your post history, it seems like you prefer to stay upset. I'm not sure why you feel the need to direct your anger at me. I'm just a guy who volunteers my time in a community I enjoy being part of. It seems like you're mad that your opinion isn't being heard. So, I'm personally inviting you, @.Max, to hang around in Teamspeak over the next weekend. I'll bring you in with the other developers and myself while we review suggestions. This way, you can get a feel for how we decide what gets approved or denied. No egos, just a bunch of people who inherited a mess trying their best to keep it going
  20. Revisiting some older suggestions. Alot of these suggestions were done in one way or another. Colorful Buildings - Done Talent Points - Done Turfs - Interesting concept, We will discuss this further. the current system with rotating caps was obviously well received. I think this could build on that Infamy - Alot of infamy numbers were changed, feel free to make updated suggestion regarding this. Tilde - Azeh improved this system, it is beyond my comprehension as to how he did it. Feedback needed as to if its better or not Interactive Gathering - Done Gathering/Processing times - Half done? I think we improved this greatly at the very least. Further feedback needed Housing playtime req's - We are going to continue with a paid upkeep model, It just simply works better for our players who often have odd schedules or see a dip in play time one month. I dont think we should take away the houses of a player who averaged 80 hours/month the last four months just because they had one slow month. Im going to move this to approved. Feel free to re-suggest fine tweaks to current systems
  21. You act like i just deny shit on my own. Often im just the only one who isn't scared to upset the community so it ends up being me denying the most. A discussion was already on-going about the next federal events to be re-released/how we should do it. If you would prefer a different name tag associated with the denys we can do that. But it has nothing to do with "Ego". Just trying to communicate developer thoughts to the player base.
  22. Patato

    Pyrgos HQ Dome

    I can't help but feel like I'm stuck in some sort of loop.
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