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did asylum need a wipe? its back to how it was.

Rockso the Clown

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I'm gonna be frank about this boys, as a returning player... this wipe should not have happened how it did. it was premature to wipe the server without a intensive plan in place. all I see from this wipe is nothing gameplay wise changing. In fact a whole lot of stuff was taken out (like pixie dust and some heisting opportunities). Moving forward on how things are, how about we add stuff that's actually game changing.

Here is a list of ideas me and my friends came up with:

  • Drugs and commodities could change prices every soft restart and update on the market app on the phone. I'm tired of grinding meth, its boring when its repetitive.


  • Add more guns that's more expensive. Give me a sniper that cost 200k with 50k to 200k scopes. you could make these weapons not able to store in storages to balance it more. add more drip, give players a gold skin for a quad. idk why cosmetics are locked behind a paywall on the website. give my money a purpose. players would pay millions for armed helis with working ammo. add Pawnees, remove the rockets, keep the mini guns, nothing too op.


  • There is also a whole upper left corner of the map not used. add something that could be done every restart, a AI fortress with a box fill with gold in the middle maybe. the admin events are cool and all but its the only time when the players come back now a days. 


  • make a transparent roadmap, players LOVE seeing future changes in the works. make something for us to go "oh hey they adding more housing in the future??? i better start grinding now!"


  • a new place to spawn, Oreokastro for example could be a spawn for players to do legal activities, no drug dealers. such as lumber, gold panning, and mining. make it more leaning on legal stuff to do there. going on legal stuff, make legal activities more worth it. why is doing drug runs the most profitable things? you could make underwater wielding a thing, that pays irl 125k and up a year.


  • lower the cop requirement for Altis shipping heist [low bribery, 2 cops] [medium bribe, 3 cops] [high bribe, 4 cops]
  • reward players for making IRL viral content. like tiktok, youtube shorts, and twitch. players should be rewarded for advertising the server.

my friends and I, and many other players i would assume, would hate to see asylum die. we want to see asylum rise and make a healthy comeback. this a shot in the dark for us so hopeful it takes.

Contributors to this post:
Chuck FinleyBN, Rockso the Clown, SGT Tonny, CPL Moift, SGT jonny, mcain28, Cadet FC FIA Xeno.

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  • 1 month later...

Making a town thats like a cqc server having a respawn place people can always get combat in and do runs later. Gaining prestige or blood money while inside maybe add killstreak bonuses while having rebel loadouts costing money instead of domination which makes ppl log off the server just implement domination into asylum 1 in a king of the hill/cqc and then maybe cartels will be more active in the long run



Thought a wipe came with this new start. support armed helis and kajmans for dogfights. If a missle accidentally strikes kavala square, who cares. Its a video game 

Tank wars in salt flats 

Edited by wompwomp
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