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Bag Of Funyuns

APD Officer
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Everything posted by Bag Of Funyuns

  1. Poor wittle baby got awwested and wants 5 second timer wah wah.
  2. Colter wall on an asylum montage type shit
  3. half decent patch after 45 days in the dark, these niggas just tryna cop some money from a couple of fiens. shout out the map designer, he did the most work and didn't even get credit hahahaha. fuck that nigga
  4. whether people see it or not, these people with 10s of millions are the ones who invest the most playtime in the server, there's no reason for the developers to piss them off when 90% of them don't even spend it. You think Leroy was able to grind for 700mil while spending it? The cartel fights are going to be the same, there's going to be people spamming rpgs, that's inevitable. But these people who loved to grind like Leroy aren't going to play as often if they don't see a point in letting their money go to waste (big number = cool). I understand both sides of the argument and don't care about some virtual money, but the server is on its last leg, 70 pop on a saturday night and we think pissing off a good chunk of the playerbase is a good idea?
  5. must have been a really loud motherfucker that wanted SPMGs and Navids hahaha
  6. Only time will tell, those are the three we trusted beforehand, ultimately their decisions led us here.
  7. remind me what team was incharge of them both?
  8. well I don't think that's ever going to change however with this update since 90% of your money is going to waste after 10 mil, no ones gonna sell their prime real estate unless it's for out of game currency. Making it even worse. you're one of them lmfao
  9. No point in arguing against these fellers, their mind has been made up ever since they left their little echo chamber.
  10. Personally I don't care which way this goes, but this is a terrible point. A lot of people gave up for the same reason Jeff said and the amount of time they devoted to the server just for it to get taken away. I'm shocked post wipe had that many players, but it died just like the previous server so your statement can go either way, the same people gave up because of the shitty team managing it.
  11. I can just imagine "I'M THE NIGGA WHOS BLOWING UP YO CRIB | offer: $1"
  12. Great update overall fellas but I can’t seem to think of any worthy benefits of the prestige system. If anything I feel like people are more likely to find loopholes instead of letting their money go to waste. As well as an increased amount of property hoarding and out of game transactions. If this system is trying to fix the problem of people having too much money, I think we’re going to see the same issues or worse, people losing interest in the server. Not to mention fellas like Leroy who literally do it for status will now have to do even more work for the same outcome or just won’t participate in the new server. Maybe I’m thinking of it too hard and the benefits will outweigh the negative. Hopefully that’s the case and the benefits don’t divide the server even more. Looking forward to seeing it play out. let that nigga Leroy hit 1bil before he dies. fuck that system.
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