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Gang crates... everyone wants em full but nobody wants shit stolen. is it possible to make it so gang leaders can allocate to certain ranks? so if theres a house with three crates each rank can be given access to one?? so rank 3 can only access one box, Rank 2 can access rank 3's box plus rank 2's and rank 1 can access all? that way if u trust people make them 2, if u dont but want to make them 3 and see how they go?

if thats to complicated, could we make it Gang leaders can lock the box with a pin? so they can give the pin out to trusted members? i hate not being able to spawn and gear in the gang house because recruits take when not needed... 


we used to stock the house up with medical for when we were fighting cartels so we didnt have to stop and get it and response time is faster, but the shit kept getting taken when nobody is fighting :( guns aswel..

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People saying "If you dont trust them kick them" 

Its the fucking internet, I don't trust anyone regardless


Because if something does happen, there isn't any real repercussions, its god damn pixels in a game. 

You are the people who have never dealt with managing a decent sized gang


Haych and I filled the Encore gang house with rooks weekly, MORE THAN ENOUGH for a week, they still go missing. It doesnt matter. It isnt worth the worry, just dont put anything in there. 

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1 minute ago, Axe said:

People saying "If you dont trust them kick them" 

Its the fucking internet, I don't trust anyone regardless


Because if something does happen, there isn't any real repercussions, its god damn pixels in a game. 

You are the people who have never dealt with managing a decent sized gang


Haych and I filled the Encore gang house with rooks weekly, MORE THAN ENOUGH for a week, they still go missing. It doesnt matter. It isnt worth the worry, just dont put anything in there. 

i put 20 defib, 40blood, 40pain, 60 redgull per box 2-3 times, filled them with rooks, pdws, and about 5-10 mk18s and they all go within days

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4 minutes ago, CrossFade said:

i put 20 defib, 40blood, 40pain, 60 redgull per box 2-3 times, filled them with rooks, pdws, and about 5-10 mk18s and they all go within days

I put med in our crate once, because most our gang can spawn at donor and buy meds (I cant), yet some still wouldnt. 

Kind of one of the reasons I regret having a K rebel house, people spawn there as opposed to driving from donor with meds.

We'd either have to stop for meds, or go without. 

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