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Ok to start off if you make fun of someone that cant speak as in they physically cant speak like end your life i dont care who you are and if you dont know what a mute is  Muteness or mutism (from Latin mutus, meaning 'silent') is an inability to speak, often caused by a speech disorder, hearing loss, or surgery. Someone who is mute may be so due to the unwillingness to speak in certain social situations. For you to make fun of someone and say oh at least we dont have a mute and all of are gang members can make call outs like honestly die you pick on a kid with muteness because your trying to be funny and shit over the internet just think when you have a kid what if they where a mute what would you do if i came to your kid saying lol you cant fucking speak how would you feel this is what drives people away from the server you say you want the server to be good again and not dead but then you do shit like this just honestly think about what you said like that shit inst cool at all man. Everyone is here to have fun not get made fun off because a irl problem they have.



bum41, 32Bit, SirSwish and 6 others like this
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This is a common problem to be honest with many people that they sometime make fun of someone just for the fun not realizing that the other guy could genuinely have a problem or disability.I am not sure what or who your talking about @Sammy:) but in general have fun with others but dont cross the line and go too far.

Sammmy, SirSwish and Mr.Purple like this
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