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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Nameless

  1. @Mitch (IFRIT) @like anybody im super interested in assassin, it seems like it would be a lot of fun... but there is going to be literally no hits after a week or two or even less than that. Is there going to be server generated hits? Like hits are generated on people with atleast a 25k bounty and that has a rebel license or something? or do you think there are going to be a lot of hits and no need for server generated hits?
  2. ok but who is going to spend that for somebody to go kill a kid 1. admins 2. retards the amount of hits is going to be the amount of times ive talked to a girl
  3. Assassin is going to probably be useless, in reality nobody is going to be placing hits on people. I personally can't think of a system that can make Assassin a good skill so who am I to say anything. Or maybe I just interpreted it wrong, then my b and quote me saying "you're a retard" or something "yo dude, that guy is a fucking idiot, lets go place a hit on him!" -guy 1 "yeah man, I got 5k, lets go fucking place it on him" - guy 2 like I don't think anybody is going to be spending actual money to place a hit. maybe hits could be generated based on bounty and rebel license or some shit idk. regardless, I think the patch is great
  4. fuckkkk actually didn't notice that, thats fucked
  5. Nameless

    Montage 1

    you missed the roblox montages by months btw
  6. "no I don't want the cadet", im dead
  7. Nameless


    alright listen buddy I don't know who you think you are fooling, I never wore a watch as a kid
  8. Nameless


    i thought i already told you not to show anybody my snapchats rosie
  9. Nameless

    Text GIF

    ill keep it, what if somebody asks me where I got my sig
  10. Nameless

    Text GIF

    They look really good, seriously though, ya'll should ask for some
  11. Who am I like and stuff? What's this mean
  12. Nameless


    link good playlists, youtube, spotify, doesnt matter ty since saying spotify doesn't clarify apparently, music please.
  13. Nameless


    Kissanime, has like every anime, and you can bookmark animes and stuff like that. For english just type in whatever anime and press dub, sub is better imo though.
  14. Nameless


    remove ur sakurasou picture you fuck, that was my old picture
  15. Nameless


    Stop watching after you finish SOA, you will get aids if you keep watching
  16. Nameless


    @The Weeb @OperationSB @Ibraheem we can't help him, he is too far gone
  17. You were always nice and respectful Marcus, you always stayed calm in every situation and handled it perfectly. I am still amazed on how you didn't easily climb in P2, that is 100% the higherups fault other than J Urban and Con's. I always loved playing with you, you were so quiet but every-time you spoke it was a reasonable and smart thing to say, you were also mysterious (my take on it) and I loved that. Like I could never get a grasp of your true personality, you were just an all around great guy. Goodluck on everything from here on out. Hopefully one day Asylum will grow and we can fight together again.
  18. Nameless


    goodbye my friend. I wish you goodluck on Olympus. We need to play sometime though.
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