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Community Manager
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Everything posted by DarkKnight

  1. I'm a +1 on this. I think making the zubr legal in gun stores would be cool. I will talk with the other senior staff about it and see what they think.
  2. I'm on board with this. I appreciate the help. We can set up a meeting to talk over details. 👍
  3. I did some tests with the MX series rifles with and without the suppressor shooting at ifrit side glass. I didn't notice much of a difference. As you stated the higher damaged added with the suppressor feels very minimal. It still doesn't compare to an MK.
  4. True, but those guns won't be great for sniping. When using a suppressed weapon you are deciding to use a gun that's nowhere near as good as an MK. In my opinion that's where the balance kicks in. If you are suppressed you will not have the high damage and penetration the better guns will give. Adding a suppressor also makes your kit a lot more expensive. As I said before we will let this patch settle and see how it plays out. I'm hoping we won't need to make any changes.
  5. It's a new toy as of right now so players will want to buy them and check it out. We will let it settle for a bit and see how things play out. There are no suppressors for 7.62 and higher so I don't think the "sniper elite" players will be much of a problem.
  6. I hope everyone is enjoying the content we added in this patch. If anyone has any ideas or concerns feel free to message me on Discord. 😎👍
  7. People have been asking me to move Kavala back to the top of the spawn list. It's time for a vote and discussion. Please keep it constructive.
  8. I think this would be a great change. I will add it to my notes and talk with the other senior staff and see what they think.
  9. What I said was true. At that fed I handed out MKs to all of the cops that were on and I pulled out an ifrit for each of them. What I did is very rare. I haven't handed out an MK since the day before this post was made. I have also played with the other Captains and they are not handing out MKs everytime they log on. In most cases when they decide to do so it's to one of the officers they are playing with. When a federal event starts more cops get MKs using SWAT then any of the Captains handing them out. There are only 6 or so players that play each month that have a Captain whitelist. Most of the retired Captains we have hardly play. The ability to give other officers MKs is very limited. In my last response I never said that you wouldn't see ifrits at the fed ever again. I was trying to explain that one player giving out that much gear is rare. Whitelisted LTs that are not staff will not pull out that many ifrits in one fight. Even for cops ifrits are way too expensive to do that. A few days ago I talked to a couple of your gang buddies in teamspeak. We talked over a couple policies that the APD could experiment with. One of the Captains was there and I said if the Captains wanted to try them out and see how it goes I'm all for it.
  10. +1. I have no issues with this. I want the civs to be able to make more money.
  11. I'm definitely going to push for adding castle cap. Those fights back in the day were a lot of fun. I want to add more civ vs civ content in the top left area of the map. I want to see more fights in areas where players can't just sit in houses. I want to find places to add a turf that isn't right in the middle of a city full of player owned houses. I also want to see how people feel about removing the cool downs on turfs in general and make more like a tug of war.
  12. I don't think ifrits should be removed. There are situations where they are needed. If there is a concern with APD pulling to many ifrits for a single fed event I would rather see policy added to balance it. Ifrits were added for LT+ to help the APD win some of the fights and boost morale. Even with ifrits the APD still loses plenty of fights. If you made this post because of the fed you did last night I will take full responsibility for the APDs actions. When your gang played on our server years back you guys would obliterate the cops in the majority of the fights. When the fed went off last night and I saw all your names pop up I figured the same would happen. I gave MKs to the 7 or 8 officers that were online at the time. I also pulled out more ifrits than I normally would. If I jumped the gun and ruined the experience for you guys I apologize. I try to explain to people that when I upgrade the APDs gear it's a sign of respect. I do it because I know you guys are really good Arma players. I also do it to keep the cops from rage quiting when we are in a hopeless fight. Going forward, If I decide to upgrade the APDs gear I will wait and do it after one or two pushes. Just know, the fed you guys fought last night was not normal. I would love for you guys to stick around and try a few more. You will see the dynamic between the fights with and without higher ups. Only Captains can pass out MKs and only LT+ can pull ifrits. We do not have a large number of whitelisted LTs so ifrits are limited. Captains giving out Mks to every officer online is rare. It happens to boost morale and keep cops online. Some gangs are really good and sometimes they spam feds all day. A Captain handing out an MK to one officer is what happens most of the time. In my opinion that won't make or break a fight. You nailed the first part. If I were to hand out MKs for a 5 rebel vs 13 cop fight it's because the rebels are insanely good. We have all seen that numbers do not dictate who wins a fight. There has been plenty of fights over the years where the cops doubled the rebel numbers and still lose. That being said, I do feel we have a good track record when dealing with new rebel players. We don't drop MKs just because a bank starts. We do it when we know who we are fighting. If it's a group that is really good or they have been killing cops all day then we might pass out some MKs.
  13. I definitely appreciate this post. I always liked the idea of having a shot a COP. That being said, I was an acitve Captain for a very long time. It is only fair to allow other players a chance who haven't experienced the rank before. Either way I will always be a Captain in game. Now that I am one of the CM's I'm going to do my best to improve the server as a whole. 👍
  14. Thank you! I appreciate it! 👍
  15. Three patches in three months. Great work! @Fitz
  16. This is correct. Whenever a change to the server is proposed the Community Managers and the Senior Admins will vote. If the vote is 50/50 Rogue will be the tie breaker.
  17. Saturday March 9, 2024 at 4pm EST. Bring thoughts, concerns, and ideas. This will be in discord in the community meeting channel.
  18. Congrats to the new Mods! 😎
  19. We already take the money. I also thought about taking the money and giving it to the player that was RDMed and sent to jail. I just haven't brought it up to the rest of the Admin team yet.
  20. And here I thought my boy was leaving us. Glad to see you sitting at the top. Now lets get it done and make it to Arma 4. 😎👍
  21. Congrats boys! 👍 Don't screw it up. 😎😉
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