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    Arms Island...

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  1. gotta measure ur nose and aslans to find out whos the real turk
  2. bro it is infinitely NOT difficult to catch anyone during these events, make them fair a bh should fights and catch their bounty not wait for said event to start so they can ruin it
  3. just make the rebel a spawn and its all fixed, if BH wanna camp therisa they can but during these 2 events we should be able to spawn at rebels to compete
  4. east arms need change if anything, horrible cap
  5. Cheat and get global = no ego Only wanting to play with friends = big ego
  6. Inventory in phone is moved to the left, im no longer giving this a try
  7. How many times i have revived @Aslan compared to him reviving me, he has forsure supplied me with half my bank account
  8. I changed my mind, DO NOT WIPE THE SERVER
  9. Turf, runs and infamy changes +1 forsure
  10. Seems rushed and not fully thought out
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