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Mr. Flynnstone

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Everything posted by Mr. Flynnstone

  1. here is my amazing cat
  2. Don’t worry my boy sharing. In the end of the day you never pretended to be black like someone.
  3. Guess its time to link the memes from last time xD
  4. all i see is server lag No action taken
  5. Oh a lone fisherman is in distress near donor rebel time to see whats up, oh wait a wanted heli leaving to arms dealer from rebel time to chase them. Oh no how did we end up at arms nvm lets send them to jail
  6. Omg dark horse at rebel on s5. All cops sit 300m from rebel i will run in and say i need backup its fine im a undercover lt
  7. What was your name in envy as if it was citNarf you was never in it as ghost and aidzo made envy retard. Other than that @Magnis good to see that infamous tag been ages since we last played with the tag
  8. Tom joins envy ts "i just put gnashers in the ground" *links post* we look ahahahhahahah retard
  9. Bitch you don’t even credit me. Im the one who told you about it
  10. The funny thing about this is he came over to me and sheep and said " Don't worry boys im a hacker wait a sec" banned by deazy hahaha
  11. "Sir i work have my own house 2 kids a wife and iam not 300 kg like u. u damn virgin go do something with ur life u scrub and u are bad at the game u always play and u always suck at that. if u take my lifetips maybe u start geting a life and go out to watch the world u big fat nerd and i dont even need to talk more with a random noob like u" - Kuklinski
  12. or just dont be toxic on league https://i.gyazo.com/1b8a6f0bebcec0df0ec8cfca0597ba17.mp4 http://www.elophant.com/league-of-legends/summoner/euw/82969150/skins
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