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Ocean Robberies

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I hate when people do things like this. How are they supposed to expect you to put your hands up when in a boat?

People think that they can just send a text to initiate with a demand + consequence and then proceed to kill without giving ample time. It's unreasonable, especially when you were on a boat. He should at least have given you enough time to comply with his demands, but you still wouldn't be able to satisfy his demands.

Hopefully you were recording so you can submit a report.

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On 29-6-2017 at 6:42 AM, TickleMyElmo said:

texting at all should not be be grounds to kill ... considering its a RP server and irl strangers dont have ur phone number .. irl too rob someone u gotta not be a puss puss and actually come up to the person

In IRL you don't need initation but guess what it's a videogame. Irl robbery is always pussy, you gonna walk up fave to face to some old lady and rip that bag off of her? Very "confident"

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On 6/30/2017 at 11:54 AM, Joe (StealthProxy) said:

You should always be recording your gameplay. If something happens, you will need video to get it taken care of. It will save you sometimes.

Is there a way to record demos without using a program for instance in CSGO you can just type record in the console and it will record everything from then on until the match ends, you leave, or you end it. Shadowplay is always buggy for me and sometimes doesnt work and I feel recording with OBS would be too much for computer to handle while running Arma.


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On 6/29/2017 at 1:45 AM, HutchTheclutch said:

I've notice that you get the people who think, hand up or die is role play. When they are just going to kill you regardless what you do. I just downloaded shadow play to help combat this help the server gain better role play players

its initiation and thats all that matters

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