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  2. who do u think u are lil bro opposition "absolutely not" 🤓 🤓 🤓 🤓 🤓 🤓 like anyone here cares abt ur opinion
  3. https://recoverplays.tv/Video/5c64867dda8b0b9cda
  4. Today
  5. Well well well looks like I was right all along. for all of my posts under the name rapidkillz(lost email) I was explaining to you what went wrong and how you coulda kept a populated server. This is the outcome of you all hating on me and not listening. your cops robo copped hard af and didnt role play. Its always about the money. Cops loadouts should cost 25k+ you banned people for nothing, which killed their vibe and that causes alot of inactivity. People want others to roll with and admins were great and breaking up newly started groups by banning 1 or 2 ppl in a 6man gang makes the other not banned people have less fun. I understand you want to say vdm or rdm isnt allowed, but if theyre naked and you hit someone/kill someone and if it HAS NO EFFECT or doesnt change an outcome of anything you shouldnt ban them. If they keep doing it over and over, sure. You should be allowed to use your car to swurve into someone shooting at you as self defence and drive away. You should not be allowed to spangle someone and exit your car then shooting them. you should really consider putting high quality role players in charge of your apd because Ive roleplayed, and got a full ticket from cadets but its because of my history the higher rank cop saw who I was to get a reduced ticket which should not be the case. combat logging-its a video game. Its a roleplay server but that alone wont stop ragequit. Half the cops dont even roleplay its beep boop bop beep full ticket anyway. If a rebel wants to roleplay he wont cl if he does u still get the bag. Banning for 3days will kill ur server slowly. idk much bout coding but if possible give the bag x4 longer time and more money to the point theyll want to just roleplay. But you need to stress cops to actually roleplay and not only think about the $$ you should add dirty money back to cartel fridges. You should wipe your map and unban me for vpn and try to change sone rules up that will attract a mature community instead of little kids. A lot of bans are bases off emotion and not from a view for whats best for the server. Admins need to be mature and not ban people for pussy shit. you should just wipe the server and start with a fresh police force without fucking retards in charge.
  6. You could always take the 30 seconds to apply and do a 5 min interview to get it and keep it so trolls dont get free stuff bc believe me unwhitelisted or auto whitelisted medics would cause more harm to cops and civs then it would to the medic faction there is always medic higher ups on and always easily accessible
  7. Potatobringa112 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6VnQZBHOYc That Cunt Gnashes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsS0UfHR95E
  8. can we keep that shit outta here? its a NA server not a fucking Chinese server.
  9. 我想从现在开始我只会使用中文谷歌翻译在论坛上与人们交谈。
  10. Captains / Admin+ have access to everything at once.
  11. 绝对不是,如果你想扮演警察,你就需要学习英语。作为一个中国玩家,你不会在英文服务器上到处逮捕只会说英语的人…… 你不明白的是,我们目前有来自世界各地的人扮演警察,但他们又听懂并会说英语
  12. 更好的宽容,让其他国家的人也能扮演警察的角色,不影响游戏的平衡
  13. grind on a server with 50 players vs grind on a server with less illegal areas that was packed full plus 4 other servers
  14. also think about this there can only be 3 UC's on the server at a time as well so giving them access, to the things tach listed dosent seem like and issue to me.
  15. I'd give some detailed suggestion but honestly my heart isn't really in it right now. It seems obvious they should be replaced with other UC vehicles though, maybe stick the UC hunter behind Prestige to give new corporals something to work for on their UC slots. Additional helicopters is another good idea, maybe a UC Taru? Taru's suck for anything other than having a good time with so seems reasonable you could just add that to the UC tree as well for the roleplayer community.
  16. Bittervet syndrome here, But i made the grind when it was alot harder. What kind of tree are we realistically going to give UC's? Keeping in mind it has to remain balanced due to all the cop-roll all's running around
  17. If I have to pay insane amounts of prestige to access a hatchback sport, an SUV, etc, I might shoot myself. Please replace with more... fun prestige talents. There is no reason a UC SUV or Hatchback Sport should be locked behind a prestige wall. The orca, merlin, large trucks, etc make sense.
  18. Will look to fix the UC vehicle tree to actuall work. Ill find somthing to swap out the medic perk with
  19. Theirs just not enough rewards to make it work. You get 20-25 days before you start repeating/recycling.
  20. This isn't possible without modding S1 which wont happen.
  21. Yesterday
  22. just incase nobody else mentioned it this is a NA server... thanks for coming to my ted talk
  23. This is an American server and the Gang Fort and Gang Boat are already not being fought very often. Moving the time when there is 20-30 people on will not make that any better. Also the benefits of the gang fort are much better than gang boat, such as reduced loadout costs and a drug dealer. Moving it to the bottom of the map makes the drug dealer useless and the decreased loadouts insane. Bounty hunting is aids, but they need the 10 min restraints. Having to land or stop to re down someone or re restrain them is a waste of time. This sound more of I got fucked by a bounty hunter and now I want it changed. Its a part of the game and we all deal with it, especially the cops.
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