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Everything posted by GravL

  1. Fent???? That’s crazy bro weird flex
  2. Do we just forget about the 10+ lawless members banned for cheating? So many I’ve lost count
  3. I wasn’t even there for that lmao get some more cheaters that’s the only way y’all win
  4. Don’t you have drugs to do and trannys to hit up
  5. right? they should be fired for giving us these shit csats
  6. GravL

    Holiday content

    +1, do something like y’all did in 2019 when you gave out the brave orca skin. Can’t be that hard
  7. Oh no! Someone on a video game prevented you from using your virtual house for 3 hours at most! What ever will you do
  8. looking for like minded warzone winners lmk
  9. Was this not already a thing? Swear I’ve used U to open doors sometimes for years
  10. But what happens when someone tries to blow up your shed, but it’s already broken so nothing can be done? Seems unfair
  11. Should’ve done the .50 cal exploit, Stevie did that and got admin instead of a ban!
  12. GravL

    Housing Solution

    to be fair, yes you will find a garage, multiple probably, but they won't be in a good or useful location
  13. Bump inactivity is only a side effect of what we have planned, be a part of it 🙂
  14. Seems on par with the normal requirements, why make a whole new post instead of bumping recruitment?
  15. GravL


    yes please
  16. Contracts seem cool and all until they’re added and not used, we’ve been down that road already
  17. This hasn’t aged well LMAOOOOO https://gyazo.com/c25b01a74f43e3a225e6e896d2e0eafa
  18. Worst suggestion I’ve seen in a long time Server pop was higher when time was longer simply because arma was more popular back then. Asylum has always had a focus on light rp so I’m not sure where you get the idea adding in a prison system on the same level as hardcore RP servers is anywhere close to good for the server
  19. +1 I’ve wanted these ever since I saw them on Nopixel years ago
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