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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Enclave

  1. Fuck that's awesome, I cant wait to try it out later
  2. Just paste the URL and press space... haha Honestly I found your attempt to paste the video more funny than the actual video
  3. This is the most cringy montage I've ever seen on asylum (assuming this is a serious montage)
  4. Always good to start off simple and work your way into more complex stuff as you get better with photoshop, there is nothing wrong with how he is starting. I started with being just as simple as that. As I got more familiar with the tools and how to work with them I started doing more complex stuff, I agree though, messing around and doing crazy stuff helps you understand how to utilize your tools. After a few years of designing you'll really get the hang of what you're doing in photoshop, I'll give you an example of my work from 6 years ago vs some work from a couple months ago. Both are the same type of design (photo-manipulation). I was really inspired by "photo-manipulation" and matte painting. So 6 years ago when I was 14 I tried going for my first photo-manipulation, this was throwing a bunch of images together messing around and just going crazy with what I knew from photoshop, took me a few hours to do. And this is some work from a couple months ago. Since that first design from 6 years ago, I have done easily over a 100 different photo-manipulations, many which turned out to be garbage and just throwing away, but practicing everyday just messing around always helped me out. Getting to know your tools, and how to use them is one of the biggest parts to getting a great outcome. In this piece I did a lot of painting too, so not 100% photo-manipulation like the one above, but it's all about knowing your tools and how to effectively use them, in this case I used the brush to do a lot of this piece. Anyway, just keep practicing throwing together crazy stuff, get to know your tools and how to effectively incorporate them into your work. Also never give up, your first work might not look the best, or you might think it's trash, but truth is we all start somewhere, and at one point everyone did work they weren't too proud of.
  5. why's the volume so quiet, I can barley hear anything nice shots though!
  6. Nice chewing, really made this clip enjoyable
  7. Enclave

    Selling Mk18's

    How about 6k? With arms and turfs I can buy them for 6k
  8. Also from almost 4 years ago bud... I doubt you even knew C4D was a program back then
  9. I mean, I wouldn't ever waste my time proving a point to you. I also don't enjoy making intros. But here's an animation I did a while back, sure it's not an intro, but at least it's "original"
  10. Pls mate, don't call me "a fucking kid who can't even do something as simple as those." You don't even know who I am buddy. I can tell you this, I could easily make a intro better than those, and much more original.
  11. Here mate, here is 50 different templates all with just about the same style. I wouldn't doubt you just edited one of these templates to make it appear as "your own" either way your intros are unoriginal.
  12. Even if you could store a crate people could just swim up to your windows and blow up your crates anyway.
  13. The all look the same, whats the difference?
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