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王 rando 王

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Everything posted by 王 rando 王

  2. shout out to my boy reapered for saving me from the cops. he is best admin out there. no1 else compares ya know fams. this is a man u can trust to single handedly fix every problem asylum has. but like, don't ask him to because i dont think he would like that. #freedicksucking4teapered @Reapered
  3. Server 2 got shutdown permanently because it was a shithole, Server 3 was the shit but asylum killed it by shutting it down 2/3 of the day. Server 3 comes up sometime around 3:00 PM EST, some days it'll be an hour or even maybe two hours after that. All the OG server 3 gangs went to server 1, and alittle to server 4. Server 1 is most populated so most recommended.
  4. bamboo union, more like uhhh bamboo union! haha!!!! gotteemm
  5. Didn't own the houses at the same time, I got on server 4 and saw all those houses up for base price so i bought them and put them on forums 1 by 1. Like I found 1 house then like 30 minutes later I found another, and so on.
  6. Fuck formats, 150k 3 crate house, 167 meters from KAVALA square. SERVER 4 SELLING FOR ONLY 250K
  7. Fuck formats, it's a 220k house, 3 crates, only 23 meters from bounty hunter shop in kavala. ON SERVER 4. SELLING FOR 500K
  8. Server 4 House 150k size In Kavala Asking for 350k The house is very close to Kavala pd and can get a pretty decent sniping angle on pd itself from the balcony. It holds 3 crates, on the road that goes to pd
  9. dude, like every gang came from server 3. its the og. its the best, i deserves to be fulltime up, the only reason population dropped was because they kept shutting it down
  10. can u do the thing every1 wants and stop killing server 3. Keep it up full time ffs. idk how this hasn't already been done. @bamf
  11. ps: idk how you hadvnt realized this yet, no1 likes u.
  12. Considering that’s the Farmersville gang house on Server 3 I call bullshit
  13. Play gta 5 on pc and try flying a heli or a plane, the keys are the most random keys ever on the number pad. You’re telling me everyone just deals with that? Fuck no. Everyone rebinds that shit.
  14. Says the career cops who never had to check their inventories.
  15. Maybe for you, would be nice if you there was a way to change it. I’m not saying permanently get rid of it...
  16. Would be cool if you could make a way to make the hands up key something besides tab since tab is like the perfect inventory key.
  17. Market on phone is laggy as fuck and stuff doesn't even load. Market at the actual market makes me drop FPS to like 20 when I'm using it (never did that shit before). Same FPS drops experienced + lag at rebel outpost shop and market.
  18. Also bamf that person crashing emt helis yesterday was me when you put in chat about it. don't worry, i want vdming, i was just crashing. I kept trying to do a loopty loop while landing on atm, kept slamming into the side of atm and the heli would roll off. But yea, please add in the taru medical.
  19. Make the price for it 100k and I'd still buy it. Seriously, I only enjoy playing as EMT nowadays. I'd love this if it were to be added. Also when I said didn't need to be skinned I meant the interior, the exterior is ugly AF. But please bamf, please add it <3.
  20. Add the taru medical for EMTs, I believe it has has like the sick bed things in it and stuff. Doesn't really need a new skin, looks good as is ya know fam. I just want one so when I land at drug cartel to rev someone I don't get instantly shot out by some faggot with an mk on tower. like these fools dont even know what combat stance is, but ya know, thats a conversation for another day. add the taru medical so I can have a flying tank that isn't like a piece of paper hummingbird. Also if people didn't know the Taru Medical is part of Arma 3 game. Oh and it can't slingload anything so you can't really abuse it. I mean, it's legit 4 the rp ya know, even tho asylum has none ;(
  21. no its so i can fuck up the cops at kavala pd when they have someone in custody
  22. mx more op than all mks because of 1 thing, mx has tracers, u see where ur bullets are going. do passbys on the side of a hummingbird and tell me the mx's tracers dont help you aim ur bullets right, cuz they dont shoot straight when ur on a heli like that. #giveus762tracers
  23. well fuck me blind, either way, the other shit, pretty cool still.
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