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Everything posted by Walt

  1. Wrong, they fixed that issue....essentially 1 server on oly now. Again, Asylum does have a more consistent player population on a daily basis
  2. lol what are you on about, how are you actually involving me in this ?
  3. Asylum Conquest......wya also pending crh's unban
  4. _____________________________________________________ Leaders: @Walt @Tapatio @MarveL @CRH _____________________________________________________ Roster _____________________________________________________ Requirements: -1000 Hours -Cartel Experience -Financially Stable _____________________________________________________ Application: Name: Player ID: Previous Gangs: _____________________________________________________
  5. A ban completely surrounded around speculation without evident proof should not be banned for. The evidence and explanation by staff on KOTH was he "attempted to shoot at a player 1k away" how is play like that unreasonable coming from cartel players on life servers which attempt/ succeed these kills all the time. If Olympus can realize how idiotic this ban is...why can't you guys! This shit is ridiculous. crh is unbanned now on Olympus without issue. Which there has been no issue before with crh anyway. Make the right decision and unban. Like what vlad said it's your fucking server its your decision. Anyone who second guesses it can off themselves
  6. Great tage Rake, keep up the good work
  7. How does this effect performance and the unreachable tower are my only concerns
  8. bump RECRUITMENT OPEN!!!! @Mason Statham
  9. In-game name: WaltTimezone: us estHours on Arma 3 (screenshot): a lotPrevious gang affiliations: stellar, plague, Teamplayers Why we should accept you: hopefully Member who can vouch for you: crh and goofi
  10. Go off Dillion, major improvement
  13. My Chinese Adventure! Language barrier is a real thing, I now understand what he stated after the video 🙂 video is just for fun go to 6:30 for a little laugh @Jueze added you on steam
  14. Let's see a trickshot that's not on your gangmate then
  15. don't have the original video but here's a hatchback yeet 180 drop shot https://gyazo.com/0f8a0cee908297b10b546028d0b1ede2
  16. We just got that faze mentality
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