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Posts posted by Infamy

  1. 9 minutes ago, Poko said:

    It's called leaving kids alone. I don't know how many kids i beat up in high school for bullying the "nerds". Little did people know I played those gay ass games too lololol

    Especially disabled people

    I get this,I could never stand by while some poor kid was getting picked on,so i always started fights with the bully,cowards man they are all cowards.

    Poko likes this
  2. 2 minutes ago, Donald J. Trump said:

    LMAO?!?!? Troll paper? It is a leftist paper, and lefties hate bullying so it is unlikely they would BS thing shit.

    Also, nice appeal to emotions, strawman, and an ad hominem. Your IQ must be low if you cannot handle real world.

    For my final statement,If you actually bothered to read the article you would know that it isnt claiming bulling is good for kids,only that learning to stand up for yourself is a possible benifital side to bulling.But im done here,Im not wasting anymore time on anyone who thinks bulling children is a good thing.

    explicit likes this
  3. 1 minute ago, Donald J. Trump said:


    Answering your first statement, yes it does.

    Typical feelings over fact guy...pathetic, you are. Bet you are one of these college brats that protests in order to create safe spaces.

    You are an internet tough guy because you are obviously making shit up to get internet cool points, when you probably make fun of other too.


    Also, yes, anything that has to do with facts and destroys your autistic logic is "pathetic".

    For sure,I love them internet cool points,if anyone is being a "Internet Tough Guy" its you and your obvious ignorant post which i'm assuming your making while you sit around your mothers basement thinking of new ways to hate yourself less,because after all these years the only thing you hold value in is your Pathetic,hateful,cowardly internet persona.

    Also way to sow your maturity by making a autistic joke,because Autism is hilarious.

  4. 1 minute ago, Donald J. Trump said:


    Triggered much? I am not a bully, sounds like you are trying to strawman... Just here to state a fact, it does not matter what you find pathetic since your opinion is irrelevant. Studies show that bullying is a positive thing, as long as it  does not go too far

    Way to be as big a cunt as your namesake. And that article is from a unverified Troll paper,hardly a valid argument,Something tells me you were/are that popular kid who thinks he is doing someone a favor by going out of his way to be a Shitty human being,Bulling people is akin to mental torture & torture gets you nothing other then what you want to hear & is only for the pleasure of the person being tortured.

    Eric916 likes this
  5. 4 minutes ago, Donald J. Trump said:

    Internet tough guy much? Bullies are a good thing, as long as they don't go too far..... Bullying makes people  thicker and prepared for the future...

    Right because picking on a kid about his shoes,or clothes or the brand of car his family has definitly prepares someone for the future.

    Internet tough guy,wouldnt i need to threaten people to be considered a internet tough guy? Instead of simply stating something that happand in the past?

    Go work on your Speeches,That last public address was pathetic.

  6. 1 minute ago, Walt Jr. said:

    Do you guys just get sweet talked into unbanning people is that what it is? 

    "I'll never do it again I'm sorry" 

    I feel like that's all it takes but not sure

    Why are you so angry this guy didn't get banned,Make him regret everytime he sees you and move on.

  7. Well a few factors here,1.They may have provided evidence to dispute the charge, 2.Just because they report has been handled/actioned doesnt mean the ban is in the system yet,Ive had bans take over 2 days to take effect.

  8. In-Game Name- TheAwsomeSexyInfamy

    Age- Legal

    Arma Hours(Screenshot)- https://gyazo.com/4af2de8018e9a45435e31fe62123d804

    Banked Money-$0+Whatever My Boo Cifunds Gives me :P

    Have you ever been Banned?-Only Forums,Troll enough Admins it will happen

    Current/Past Gangs- Drunk Squad

    Do you have a Mic/Teamspeak?- Sometimes

    What's your interest in joining Drunk Squad?- I miss harassing Mook.



    The jokes aside,I'm probably coming back,Starting from Scratch again is gonna suck asswarts.

    Subaru and Drunk Devin like this
  9. On 3/22/2016 at 9:10 AM, Krypton:) said:

    Were here for minimal rp

    This sums up asylum servers & a majority of the playerbase,that come here for the Cartel & gangVgangVpolice, the updates dont seem to cater to this but to some kind of Average rp enviroment.

    Here i am agreeing with krypton again

    kryptonthegamer and Carson like this
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