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• B A R K I N •

APD Officer
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Everything posted by • B A R K I N •

  1. So wholesome, thank you <3. I don't even know where all this hate came from. i was just trying to entertain some folk ):
  2. Sure thing! I am extremely busy with exams and studying today, but I will be free in the evening around 10 pm eastern time. Just hit me up with the TS and I'll come by whenever I am available. Thank you for your time!
  3. In-game name: Barkin Age: 21 Hours in-game(screenshot) : 2k (link) Bank amount: 10mil+ Previous gangs: Nothing too major: The Dogs (member), Reliance (member), Disciples (member), The Muffin SS (Co-leader), Tralonic (Leader), Bamboo Union (don't judge) Why do you want to join this gang: I also got a lotta money and it would be cool to be led by someone who understands the grind of Eminent status. Plus I'd like to get to know a new crew. I also enjoy being a part of the inception of a new gang, the fresh starts are nice. Never was a part of new gang (other than friend's gangs) so it would be cool to grow together with a group of people I don't personally know. Loyalty is key. Tell us 3 things you are good at in-game: Everything, I have been around a while. 1) Money is no object for me (you can relate) 2) I have decent combat 3) I have decent cartel knowledge. Have you ever been banned? if so for what and why: Countless times lmao and probably banned for everything possible. If it makes you feel better I haven't been banned in over a year. I used to be an edgy-teen troll and grew out of it. I can confidently tell you that I have reformed; you don't have to worry about me violating and rules from this point forward. I also have a question. How big is the gang and who's on the current roster?
  4. lol I like the effort you put in, but lets be real. Wouldn't you say that Asylum has somewhat been neglected and Identity could be partially to blame? If not, what do you think caused to downfall of our beloved servers? I miss the glory days of early-to-mid 2017. I believe that was the golden age for our servers. At that time I would've never imagined the servers to take such a deep dive.
  5. Yea Christ fuck that. I'm done y'all can relax now.
  6. I feel enlightened, no game is truly free. Damn.
  7. That's one way to fix a dying game. Asylum take notes. Oh wait... It's already free...
  8. Lmfao this community is so toxic
  9. Thank you for the constructive criticism.
  10. @Gen. Henry Arnold http://gaming-asylumwiki.com/wiki/Getting_Started
  11. great work! how'd you record like that?!
  12. I had Author's hair and beard growing the entire time I played RDR2. So as he got ill, he started to look like a sickly old man, and towards the end I felt so much pity for him. I am real glad I grew his hair and beard because I don't think I would've felt as bad if Author looked handsome and well groomed. RDR2 has to be the only game I played where you start off in your prime and progression only makes things worse. You expect improved conditions, but as you move along, things start falling apart. Rockstar really told an amazing story here. Another thing I would like to add is that I read an article where they stated only 40% of players progressed past chapter 3! The article says this is probably due to the lack of rewarding progress in the game. Early on, everything is already accessible to you, not much changes other than new locations and more storytelling. Rockstar didn't want a progression-reward type game like GTA, Skyrim, and Fallout. They wanted a story based game rather than a "from nothing to something" type game. If you didn't cry during this scene, you have no heart. (This is what my character kinda looked like, but with long swept-back hair)
  13. Holy shit, no fuckin way you were able to find a buyer! Easy $2,000!!
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