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Everything posted by WiIIiam

  1. Oh course not why would we do that...
  2. When you take a shot finish then realize you still gotta shit ~Arma 3
  3. its okay I forgive you for pushing me off
  4. WiIIiam


    English please dick head
  5. WiIIiam


    cya fake william
  6. lil tay A bratty ads bitch who flexes on everyone with her parents stuff and thinks she's hot shit lil tay is a bitch.
  7. lil tay A bratty ads bitch who flexes on everyone with her parents stuff and thinks she's hot shit lil tay is a bitch.
  8. WiIIiam


    Damn.. it’s been a hell of a ride boys and there’s a time for everything, there’s and end for everything and today sad to say it’s the end of my asylum/arma days I might hop on here in there in a few months but I gotta say thank you to the best server, server 3. I want to thank the following people for making my asylum days well worth it. @Christian R for always bullying me, @Tarro for for always talking to me. @Austin427 for always insulting me and making me laugh. @Lopotev Slovak for being the most badass soul I know and an amazing friend. @Hexlen for always yelling at me for being a side chat warrior. @LUCKY713 for always yelling at me. @Sp0on for all the 50% increases. @JaxxonMurphy for like all the blacklisting post. @eragoon78 for being the best mf cop and an amazing friend. Thank you the whole community you guys are like a family but more disliking ;). I’ll still look at the post here and there so please keep in touch. I wish everyone the best of luck, and I’m sure I’ll be back eventually but for now later homies. And last of all thank you asylum for all the great memories and friendships.
  9. the big one but idk
  10. If your born with a penis ur a male, if you got boobies your female and if you say ur a female and u got a dick than ur tans that simple
  11. Holy shit dude I’m inspired
  12. Kys you bumb I don’t have any parents dick head.
  13. Yea I see what your saying would it look better if I put the vertical monitor horizontal and check out the YouTube pimp my set up if you havent. Maybe one more monitor would help your left side but nice looking setup, and maybe put a light strip behind your desk to light things up.
  14. I think there should be an evidence locker that contains goods such as drugs, and guns that have been sized in the last hour (after restart it goes empty) anyways one someone has started to rob the locker all cops will be notified. There has be about 6 cops on to be able to rob it. Takes 8 mins to be able to gather all the good once the lockers have been robbed the rebels, and robbers have 1 min to get free.
  15. They wouldn’t give two shits if you donated 1,000$ honestly all the admins would probably laugh about it anyways bad idea buy something cool like a better pc build or something.
  16. (Just the setup) https://gyazo.com/29314b85c6032034d2f04c403cfc6cde Looking to make my room set up better just got some new philips hue light I put two of the Philips hue spot light things behind the monitors and still looks a little dark, put a hue light strip on side of my bed, looking for some shit to spice up my set up.
  17. Accepted will send discord information
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