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Everything posted by Blocker

  1. Also, taking workout supplements are good as long as they are mostly natural, take the recommended amount and you are fine. Phosphator and augment are pills which might look bad but it’s ok. You can still make plenty of gains without them but it’s easier with them. - good luck with you workouts @Tricks
  2. I stopped taking it years ago and my maxes are the same. Look into it, if it’s legal then it’s fine, fitness competitions don’t care if you use it.maybe you should look into workout supplements you might get better gains.
  3. @Sugarfoot Phosphator is not a steroid, it’s merely a recovery agent and it will give you more energy during your workout. It have me results similar to people who have used illegal steroids. My old discus coach who was a damned Olympian recommended it to me.
  4. Look into taking Phopsphator, it’s a legal form of a steroid somewhat, I used it when I was in track, I gained 13 pounds of upper body muscle in 3 months. for workouts I would recommend doing basic things for big muscles, try doing bench press, skull crushers, curls, squats, etc. The best way to gain muscle is to stay committed to a few muscle groups *The only downside I found in phopsphator was that I got acne, and it’s kinda expensive.
  5. There are lots of ways to make money but the best thing you can do is join a gang and make money with them
  6. Cool idea, I wouldn’t expect seeing this in asylum although I’d like it, but I could see something like this in Identity.
  7. Plays tv worked well for me Lagwise but i couldn’t figure out how to edit the damn videos so I just use shadowplay
  8. A uranium Mining suit would be cool as well, if you don’t have it then you take damage in the radiation field.
  9. Hi, somebody RDMd me and that caused me around 15k of losses, but they were sorry and felt bad and were pretty nice, he was probably pretty new to asylum so I’m not mad at him, can I report the video so I can get comp without him getting banned?
  10. This is a great idea but the above statements are right, people would just draw dicks and swastikas everywhere.
  11. WONG Age: 18 Hours (Screenshot): https://gyazo.com/679a0912be58d9d1a6891c82f8eb86f9 Financially stable: One might say I'm financially stable Previous gangs: Thantos, Archeron Timezone: PST Why do you want to join Awaken: I like the people in Awaken and want to stay How will you benefit us: I'm nice, sometimes too nice because my niceness has gotten me fucked so many damned times Who can vouch for you: The Awaken
  12. I’m excited for identity, those hazmat dudes got fucked up though
  13. Blocker


    I get 22 city 30 highway
  14. P4 is for sure the worst, but none of the asylum servers are all that great
  15. I don’t think it’s a problem the devs can fix alone, I heard something about arma not utilizing the proper amount of bandwidth
  16. XD, if only that worked in real life
  17. Shit, you could have actually not blown up, but you had to stick the damn tail rotor in the ocean!
  18. Server 4 is just a bad server, have you tried the other servers? @DankBud
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