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Everything posted by kryptonthegamer

  1. Why is there clips where your crosshair is like a small cross? Mine has never done that with an mk18
  2. You upload your POV and it somehow clears up Sheep's POV? Admins must have low standards or something.
  3. Legitimate lag / a headshot....but when theres a trend of over 30 times....then there's a problem.
  4. Currently, id Say the admin Text wpuld be basically useless. That's the first step that you can use to see if we ever improve in this category, if that starts becoming useful.
  5. Ayy Boy showin the love. Hit my posts with a like yehh
  6. I think if we had a HUGE amount of admins everything would be better around here.
  7. The kappa on this forum is in color?
  8. Wreckless Behavior only risked 30k? (I forget insurance prices back then)..instead of 1600000. Etc.
  9. Dang bro That heatsink wrecked you bro...burned bro
  10. You are in RD or Team berry? One Of those i think, but either way i got SWAT at your bank last night actually.
  11. "BYE BAMF" - Ollie before he gets turned on by Bamf
  12. Yeah, well Kajun, Smirnoff also gave a penis script that put a hot dog on someone's pelvis.
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