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Everything posted by kryptonthegamer

  1. I think this is a crummy mechanic. ...being totally taken by surpise is essentially against the 'RP' everyone desires to fulfill rules.
  2. I think maybe it could be considered. But really, on Cop I never need a strider to take on Rebels. I think it should be just fine for rebels to fight a strider on startis, without an ifrit.
  3. This is serious? I thought this day would never come.
  4. I dont think there should be an age requirement for an online role...rather just having the ability to uphold your duties, and lass the ride-alongs. Buckle down on the ride alongs in my opinion.
  5. Only true nooblets get banned L0L
  6. Hey Freddie i liked your anime called iCarly that you were in.
  7. Take a guess? To use tracers only, as described in the OP.
  8. I actually believe the usefulness of this thread is highly limited....
  9. Someone needs to enter this great challenge.
  10. Id say blackhat USA: Bamf because one time i was walking my puppy and he shot me from over 18km away, Sofia to kavala, silent bullet. Hats off to him for planning and coordinating that shot.
  11. I challenge anyone who wants to have a fun time, take the Tracer Challenge. What this means, is that on cop, you can ONLY BUY/USE tracers(bring one stanag incase of say, 50 cal gunner, etc.) No lethals, unless your higher ups clearly order you to use lethals , and only lethals. Bring faith back to the gangs/civs who have lost faith. You can partake in the 3 day Or the 7 day Challenge. I dare you Enter here with either #3daytracer or #7daytracer to show support!!!
  12. I believe this new VBulletin is superior in many categories. I love it
  13. VBulletin is a lot better...especially in the looks
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