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Everything posted by Alex.

  1. Alex.

    Add mods

    any thoughts? @Fitz @Mitch @ObiWoki
  2. Alex.

    Add mods

    you dont have to start nothing from scratch. Plenty of modded maps and weapons available on the workshop. I would suggest just keeping the map as Altis but add modded building, vehicles, weapons and clothing. Only thing that the devs would have to do is stay on top of the updates and make sure everything is working fine. BEFORE anyone complains about the extra step of people having to download mods to join the server its only a few extra clicks its not rocket science. Mods would bring alot of new and cool stuff to this server for all factions even medics who've been begging for new stuff.
  3. Alex.

    Delete this

    im not going to make someone wait for a medic when im right there and can get them up. UNLESS theres a medic right there then ill let you get them.
  4. Alex.


    if they were to get added back then it would be for all factions not just bh
  5. weve been playing Altis for over 8 years now give us back the modded maps
  6. Would be cool if the sheriff dept was it owns sub department. Have people apply for it and have its own higher ups and small SOPs that work alongside the default APD one. Also have its own sheriff title next to the persons name instead of APD Officer. It would give it room for some more rp instead of just loading in and changing your uniform in game to a sheriff one.
  7. Abused by cops giving everyone parole to skip processing and get the full paycheck. Maybe they can make it that parole only gives cops 50% of the bounty instead of the whole thing. While im here add lethal payouts back big brain
  8. bruh which fag deleted my comment I would like for us to have our freedom of speech back how bout that
  9. He didnt decide anything. The banning admin is the one who decides to put your pid in the list for a LT+ to give points. Big Bitch admin was the one who decided not Big Bitch Greg. I dont blame you for not knowing this obv you never made past sgt.
  10. rework bank. shits been the same push down a straight line for years. Maybe add an extra bank aswell like when yall added one by athira. change it up a bit.
  11. only gay people give points for a civ ban prob was samperino nvm just read it was a racism ban. you dummy
  12. Alex.

    Add JSRS Back

    good thing you dont speak for all of us
  13. Alex.

    group limit

    I understand your point but fed events are the only good thing this server has to offer tbh. cartels are boring and so is money making. rebels spend hours to be able to afford 2-3 loadouts just to lose it within 10 maybe 20 minutes. adding any cooldown higher then 20 minutes will just end up killing the last bit of fun this server has had in the last few years.
  14. Alex.

    group limit

    nigga you smoking some good crack
  15. Alex.

    group limit

    So how's everyone's day going so far?
  16. damn you really are faded huh?
  17. Alex.

    spike strips

    if they spike you no sirens then just hop out and shoot them its one way initiation and like nathan said maybe dont be a retard and turn instead of driving behind the cop.
  18. shouldnt you sponge them bullets anyway fatty
  19. Alex.

    Town Bells

    pretty sure @zdeat tried to remove one once but it aint possible.
  20. Lets be honest.... it was NOT the fucking shit.
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