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Everything posted by _HaydenD

  1. WELCOME TO THANTOS <<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>> <<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>>
  2. DENIED Everyone said and I quote "This dude does not know left from right and has the brain size of Skimancole's Va**ina"
  3. LIKE OMG YOUR GOD!!! 0:50 You killed a guy coming up a ladder and like every other kill was always someone wide open in the middle of nowhere
  4. In-Game Name HaydenD Gang Name (if part of one) none Guns wanted AK-12 Quantity of Each Gun 128 x AK-12 (we gonna kill everyone in kavala)
  5. I am a adult virgin born and raised in Mississippi
  6. In-game name: HaydenD Age: 18 Arma 3 hours (screenshot): http://imgur.com/a/WY0rt Location/Timezone: PST Past/Current Gangs: Genesys Bank Balance: Stable Do you have a working mic? Yes Why do you want to join Thanos ? I like the members in the gang and want a good gang that I feel can work very well together and will always help out and have fun, that is why i was to join Thanos What can you bring to Thanos ? Good team member who can follow rules and help out whenever needed and will be very active, and is a hell of a heli pilot Are there any current members who can vouch for you? Mythix, Kodak
  7. Legend has it @rockchuck fired a shot 4 years ago and its still traveling to its target till this very day...
  8. In-game name: HaydenD Age: 18 Arma 3 hours (screenshot): http://imgur.com/a/3nqy1 Location/Timezone: PST Past/Current Gangs: Genesys, Odium Bank Balance: Stable Do you have a working mic? Yes Why do you want to join Network 7 ? The gang I am in currently has terrible communication and very rarely can we pull any cartels off do to a lot of people having lack of knowledge What can you bring to Network 7? Good shooter, Heli Pilot, Could help a lot in Cartels/Bank/Fed because I have robbed many of them and I know what Tac comms is lol Are there any current members who can vouch for you? I hope Mythix and Cliff everyone else I am not too sure if you have any thing good to say XD
  9. ✖ ODIUM GANG ✖ REQUIRED FORMAT FOR APPLICATION In-Game Name: Age (16+ minimum): Arma Hours (600+ w/proof): Have you ever been banned?/ If so what for?: Why do you want to join Odium?: Do you have Mic and Discord?: Current or Previous Gangs: If in a Current Gang why are you wanting to leave?: Can anyone vouch for you in Odium?: ✖ RULES FOR ODIUM ✖ 1. Respect any member of the gang 2. DO NOT STEAL from gang members 3. Do not lie! Good luck to anyone who does apply! If you have any questions, just comment on the post here or PM me and I will try and get back to you in a timely manner. ALSO, I want to clarify for everyone that Is thinking of joining or just passing by, for cartels we put all profits from those into the gang account if there are 3+ people help capturing the cartel. We use the gang account money for any comp of Helis or load-outs that were lost if assisting in cartels or bank/fed. Now for what we do for Banks/Fed ALL MONEY that is gained from any of the Banks/Fed will be split evenly throughout everyone that helped in Banks/Fed. If accepted I will send the discord link to you! Good Luck to All! ODIUM ROSTER LEADERS: Isamu, Redstae, HaydenD Odium WarLords: Blocker, Ben Flint Odium Enforcers: Mr. Troconis, Deadaman, lynx, Mythix, rockchuck, CharileZ01, Dick Romney, Houdi Odium Recruit: TBD...
  10. Are you getting a testosterone booster?
  11. is this a real life script?
  12. Yeah that would be a NO... It blew up because of some people going 300 down the street.
  13. I think this is just practice... seems legit. Practice makes Perfect
  14. I feel honored to be in the video, bottom left corner at 0:58
  15. Wow... I think you caught Kavala on a good day!
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