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Everything posted by Dork

  1. pie equals 3.14 Squared you uneducated european fuck
  2. make it fucking happen please.
  3. That's just the thing. UC don't have rules they have to follow They do have to abide to normal processing as a cop, but for the most part, their rules are the same as civs.
  4. who goes back to a fight with a rook? @Sean. Hit this guy with a hello? real quick
  5. Not starting a flame war just trying to understand it better. When i use to play cop and lethals were authorized, cops would take out 3-4 people and go back to tracer's (Now this is after a person is revived and lethal'd again.) As of late, say cops see a big group (8-12) of rebels, and lethals get authorized, why do they kill 90% of rebels before going back to tracers? Wouldn't you rather down restrain and process. Rebels favor being lethal's because no jail time, but cops should strive to down more after a couple kills so that they can make rebels incompetent to coming back to fights. Dont hate
  6. it wasn't though. Cops just never realized that you cant bum rush a bridge that's 300m long and survive in a paper car.
  7. Actually, I've seen a guide for getting money but not for fucking bitches. Can you add that one please?
  8. BH is the easiest way to make a fuck ton of money. Pussyassrebels just get salty af when they get arrested like yourself/
  9. http://forums.ubi.com/forumdisplay.php/717-General-Discussion ^^
  10. that 1% minority though is where its at. Especially when that ifrit pushes at the right time and you dont get kicked
  11. I mean, that website is a stat tracker. It will tell you the total amount of hours played on asylum, or any game for that matter. You can search it for your name, IP, game mode. It will give you individual stats for games, or as a whole. Maybe i'm just misinterpreting your question.
  12. +1, If we can remove some of the major things that no one really does, it could help. I think i see one truck a month doing a DP mission.
  13. Lets just start over... Everyone will come back and play and there wil be fights all day. Erase the code and delete it and go back to 1.0
  14. http://www.gametracker.com/search/arma3/?query=Asylum Just click the server and find your name.
  15. let him wake and bake so he can be roasted before he even sees this.
  16. confirmed hacks. Definitely fucking toggled. Its blatantly obvious.
  17. yo it means you're and changing your name isn't changing anything
  18. I dont really record on fights anymore. The servers are barely realiable as it is and i need all the memory i can get
  19. @Leady @DarkKnight @Psycosis @Austin Rogers Many more, but damn that fed was intense. I've never seen the rebels play the outside and the cops play the inside. Good hour and a half in my book. from: Not a Bounty hunter.
  20. Dork


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