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APD Officer
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Posts posted by Yewwwo

  1. In-Game Name: Who

    Age: 17

    Estimated Asylum Time{screenshot}: yes

    Bank Balance{screenshot}: yes

    Have you ever been banned, if so why? no

    Do you have a mic and Discord? yes

    Current and Past Gangs? vitality 

    If in a current gang, why are you looking to leave? no

    Why do you want to join our gang? yes

    Are you in the APD, if so, what rank? constable

    Do you know any members of our gang? no

    Revenant, thero and .Sean like this
  2. Just now, Jay Davies said:

    In-game name: Jay Davies
    Timezone: EST
    Hours on Arma 3 (screenshot): 
    Previous gang affiliations: Illicit, ICE
    Why we should accept you: I can bring a lot to the team. I am a very good marksman and can sit out deep with a rifle and take shots up to 800 meters. I am also a very exceptional combat pilot and have a great knowledge of cartels and bank.
    Member who can vouch for you : Frankie

    +1 really good player newfie is just intimidated 

  3. Shed 1: da9d0d4cf2c7ec601f5a90ba8a43dfb5.jpg 

    Description: Great shed for drug runner / cartel fighting you can put loadouts in here and spawn vehicles with no fee and get back to drug cartels in minutes, it's also great for fighting wongs/arms 

    Price: 600k (Willing to negotiate a lower price)


    Shed 2: 509f978318fc6d578624c4173c8d66e2.jpg

    Description: Arms island shed, good for re-gearing and getting to arms quickly, you can spawn here and be at og in 2 minutes, great for cartel fighting.

    Price: 500k (Willing to negotiate a lower price)

    Shed 3: 2d1954858abc798a591fe244c12aa9ec.jpg


    Description: This isn't the best shed but it's pretty central and good for sharking drug cartel, just a decent shed to have to keep gear in if you ever need to get to this part of the map quickly.

    Price: 300k (Willing to negotiate a lower price)

    Kavala house 1: 7d5049f972c25221901497f0b913f510.jpg

    Description: I believe this to be one of the best kavala houses, has a view on bounty hunter sign for camping and a view on main road and inside of kavala square (Note: you can snipe from this house because it is not spawn protected which is a very good thing, you can't jump on the balconies either there's also no real good sniping spots to sit and snipe into the house it's very secure.

    Price: accepting offers

    More screenshots for kavala house https://gyazo.com/263ea29dd8daa028515806687776f1f1 https://gyazo.com/44b4c7a07576099d783361ed0cfdb671 https://gyazo.com/cee2994f5c7f10d0dac55ec614aa18b4


  4. Server:  4

    House, Garage, Industrial Shed: Industrial Shed

    Industrial Shed Size (220k): Holds 2x Crates (Can also spawn vehicles)

    Location (Town/DP#): Drug runner 2

    Asking Price: Taking offers

    Description: Best cartel fighting shed on a server that is up 24/7, closest spawn to drug and close spawn to arms island good for a cartel fighting gang.

    Pictures/Video Walk-through: https://gyazo.com/d9f5762ff13166f148587b67d9391132

    JackBlack likes this
  5. Server:  1

    House, Garage, Industrial Shed: House

    House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k):  120k

    Location (Town/DP#): (200m from ephedra)

    Asking Price: OFFERS

    Description: House is right next to ephedra 3 crater only house in the location it's very nice. 

    Pictures/Video Walk-through: https://gyazo.com/e8f7dbae4e5302379be4764c5ea5f887 https://gyazo.com/5d27735f4babaab30d868c912c218e26 https://gyazo.com/3a10a5dde8dc21747978097e4f424eb4



    Server:  1 (I also have this exact house for sale on server 2)

    House, Garage, Industrial Shed: House

    House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 150k

    Location (Town/DP#): Athira

    Asking Price:  OFFERS

    Description: Great house has view on most of athira and view on pd I've had lots of fun with it

    Pictures/Video Walk-through: https://gyazo.com/6cc280bd547ce60b7dcf121ed249c79c https://gyazo.com/949860bb39275f70ea658cf5971eff93 https://gyazo.com/5dadc8c43fab9c9e30a82ff4255614d1 https://gyazo.com/e6269d2d26fe8c709485209ada857d2c



    Server:  1

    House, Garage, Industrial Shed: House

    House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 70k

    Location (Town/DP#): Athira

    Asking Price: OFFER

    Description: Nice house in athira

    Pictures/Video Walk-through: https://gyazo.com/2396b8f57af43ccb71d038742050df5b https://gyazo.com/b73282a1e383100ff3633f7ba3a40df0



    Server:  1

    House, Garage, Industrial Shed: House

    House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 220k

    Location (Town/DP#): Kavala 

    Asking Price: OFFER

    Description: Nice house in kavala 150m from square right next to commodities 

    Pictures/Video Walk-through: https://gyazo.com/43d6f78d7649a7c158da303463940954 https://gyazo.com/0f2d6093cac675d7d2983b69a5419a4b



    Sorry for poor quality, i'm playing on my kindle. 

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