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APD Corporal
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Posts posted by Sp0on

  1. On 7/7/2016 at 0:17 PM, Conflict said:

    With the new RPGs in Tanoa, do we charge people with Illegal Firearm or Terrorism since it is on par with vests?

    if i may answer this: to the best of my knowledge you can only give them the charge of explosive terrorism if they are in possession of the ammunition of the rpg, not the rpg just by itself.

    I may be wrong.

  2. this involves an issue i had the other day involving a bounty hunter. i observed this individual abusing his weapon on a civ that wasn't wanted. i charged him accordingly (since he restrained this person i gave him kidnapping, discharge and evading since he ran from me with the person. I seized his weapon and his license. gave him his ticket. he paid it. 5 minutes later he has a gun again, downing someone else and then downed me. i repeated the charges against him minus evading and kidnapping. took his license and weapon. ticket him. he paid it. then he got a gun again and downed me again, and restrained me. i convinced him to unrestrain me. gave him a half ticket because he complied.

    my question is: how many times can one abuse before i can just send him to jail? Am I allowed to send him to jail if they continue beside giving them disobeying?




  3. 10 hours ago, TheCrestedPenguin said:

    Who is that female in all of your video's that keeps saying "got one"?

    for a sgt you seem like a real dbag.

    im willing to bet money you're a career cop.

  4. 10 hours ago, Sheriff Rick Grimes said:

    If you leave the Arma launcher open then you'll be collecting hours, which some people purposely do on here.  But even at that, having thousands of hours on a video game isn't exactly something to brag about.  Not that i'm any better as I have 5k hours but at least 25% of the hours are AFK

    rick post meme or gtfo

  5. I just noticed I'm at 3k arma hours, which automatically makes me a good player which automatically means yall need to start working on some sick meme's for me.

    I'll be back later to choose the winner.

    Winner wins 3000 maps freshly printed from Rebel Outpost Publishing

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