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Everything posted by manhua

  1. Members of different gangs can't occupy drug dealers in a group? Only the leader can occupy!!! Delete this damn mechanism.
  2. I spent $12 million, and I haven't made a profit yet. Ha, ha, ha
  3. look https://youtu.be/9eRarum8N0Y https://youtu.be/9eRarum8N0Y
  4. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Xf4y1H7Ft/
  5. when does it start? @YuSheng@Mitch (IFRIT)I can only understand half of it. Can I have a Chinese version? 🙂
  6. Asylum is really getting more and more boring. Look forward to the next update, add more role-playing methods, and don't add useless evidence bases and mental hospitals.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSjP-h3Nqw8
  8. This belongs to network delay or network fluctuation. I don't want to. I also want to have a 10ping network. You can let Mitch move the server to China. Hong Kong is a good choice.
  9. Dragons gang members are strictly prohibited from using third-party auxiliary software. The person in the video does belong to our gang, but he just joined our gang on August 11, 2021. He is a newcomer of our gang and we are not familiar with any of his behaviors. Our gang will investigate his behavior in the video, and we will also cooperate with the administrator to investigate. If he is found to use third-party auxiliary software, we will permanently dismiss him. Thank you for your report--------- Dragons Foreign Ministry spokesman Manhua
  10. You want the Chinese to leave because you are afraid of the Chinese. Ha ha ha ha
  11. 中国人也赞助了很多。我不知道 Mitch (Ifrit) 把这笔费用花在哪里了。服务器的网络优化太差了。当数量达到100多个时,我看到nv|tom在眨眼,这让我很心疼。很多华人都在考虑要不要继续赞助:( I hope Jesus bless my post will not be deleted!!! free speech! free speech! free speech! Amen!
  12. Manage my posts if there is a problem with management? How can you convince me that the United States advocates freedom of speech? Why close my forum???
  13. I can, but I haven't been in contact for a long time and have forgotten it. I also have a certificate issued by the Chinese education department, but I don't have a work permit. I am no longer engaged in this industry. Ha, ha, ha I am very interested in skin production and am currently working on it with Photoshop.hahahaha
  14. manhua

    New Mods

    Congratulations Coffee Tea
  15. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV16K4y1u7Fs?share_source=copy_web
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