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Everything posted by Poko

  1. YOU CALL THOSE QUAD KILLS?? https://gyazo.com/fcd3bb680f76b90ce5145815d23e1d00 im literally the best
  3. I applied and they deleted my post, RUDE?
  4. Bro, you weren't abrasive you were my FAVORITE
  5. I can fund the prize money of 2 mil Accepting donations
  6. Poko

    Cartels Today?

  7. bro this is fucking HILARIOUS. get wrecked
  8. Poko

    Oh Hi

    That seems familiar, Did I say that recently
  9. Poko

    Oh Hi

    i bet his moms a milf
  10. He looks at too much porn bro, he's getting them PORN ADS
  11. All grown up, tears
  12. Poko

    Change log 7.0.0

    That's not true to be honest, Cops are easy to spot and you'll be ready. A bounty hunter can be in a warring gang and literally just sneak up and shoot you and send you to jail without saying a word... very very VERRRRY easy in donor. So it isn't fun at all for rebels either right now with the tons of BH's there are, but it'll balance out hopefully. Cops have to deal with all the kidnapping BS, and rebels have to deal with getting shot down and sent to jail pretty much instantly considering most gangs war eachother for points.
  13. Poko

    Change log 7.0.0

    Some "nobody"? Lethals a nobody?
  14. Poko

    Change log 7.0.0

    harsh words, but he is pretty dumb
  15. Poko

    Change log 7.0.0

    lmao what would you need this magical 7.62 that you're bitching about other than special events? You need them for the occasional speeder going down the road? You want them for rebels. Where are rebels? These special events. Don't argue and treat people like shit, and shit on the admins ideas when your IQ is literally equivalent to a fucking worm bro. I can't even argue with someone like this. WHINE WHINE WHINE. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH BOUNTY HUNTERS TOO STRONG WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH REBELS HAVE 7.62S
  16. Poko

    Change log 7.0.0

    I don't think cops need a cap, i was just kinda giving a reference and so far it seems life sucks more for rebels than cops atm. BH everywhere
  17. Poko

    Change log 7.0.0

    I mean... if you want "equality".... group cap for cops? That would be awful too. Things are the way they are for a reason.
  18. Poko

    Change log 7.0.0

    if only you were Dev when I played
  19. Who disbanded? Wanna last, the same group of guys have been together for a solid 9 months. That isn't lasting?
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