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Everything posted by AceDread

  1. Your mother works me out quite well, thank you.
  2. Just realized these were on Olympus, but ill leave em up.
  3. I haven't played in so long, but I'm very happy to see the sever is still updated. Keep up the good work.
  4. WAIT WHAT?! YOU MADE MY BOY LEADY CM?!?!?!?!? Omg I think I might actually cry @Leady
  5. You know, I didnt think to look up otherr type r models. Thanks, you made me look stupid
  6. Personally I think the new ones look great. Ek9 is cool too, but its just not... slick looking enough for my liking I guess. In fact, all older hatchbacks kinda look ugly to me. But hey, thats just my opinion.
  7. You dont have to apologize. Youre a fantacsitc human being and I wish you much success
  8. Sorry boneless pizza machine broke.
  9. Btw, since you cared enough to comment, but not read it, I should let you know my habits (sedentary lifestyle) and my diet are what must change. Easier said than done, but there you go. Besides, it's pretty straightforward that, in order to lose weight, you have to eat better and work out. Do you really think that it needs to be said?
  10. My new years resolution was to try heroin, actually.
  11. I just shit my pants.
  12. I won't specify the business, but everyone has heard of it and it doesn't start with a P. I just got home from work about twenty minutes ago (3:30 AM PST), and my shift started at 6:15 pm. The day started out pretty slow, which sucks. I don't necessarily like the system of tipping, but it's what makes the job worth doing. A slow day means less opportunities for tips. Anyway, I finish eating my Jimmy John's sandwich (beach club, no mayo, extra hot cherry peppers) and clock in. I don't take my first run till around 6:30 pm. It's two orders of wings, plain, paying in cash. I already know I'm not getting tipped. The order is for an apartment complex about 4 miles from the store. A closer run means less gas spent, and because I already knew it was a stiff (pizza guy lingo for an order that doesn't tip), this is a good thing. Typically, I get a little frustrated when I get stiffed. Despite what some people may think, delivering pizza isn't exactly an easy job. No, it does not require four years of college and two years of internship with a similar business, but it is dangerous. Driving in the place I live in is a big challenge. Everyone drives like they're playing Forza. Obviously, thats a bit of an exaggeration. However, driving is, indisputably, the hardest part of the job. One mistake and I could die, or worse, be permanently disabled/disfigured. So, I fight my way thru rush hour traffic and make it to the apartment safely. I'm pretty familiar with the complex, so I'm at the correct building in no time. Usually, the customer waits until I ring the doorbell, but this time, the customer in question was outside, sitting in her wheelchair. I hop out of my air conditioned car and into the sweltering heat and begin to approach the lady. From about 10 feet away, I can already tell something is a little off about her. Shes gotta be at least 70 years old. She's wearing a bright pink night gown with no pants and no socks or shoes. She's very overweight. Not morbidly obese, but probably pretty close. Her legs were very bright red, as if she was badly sunburned, but everything below her knee was pale white. From about 10 feet away, it seems like some kind of ointment. When I was within talking distance, around two feet away, I can immediately tell this was NOT ointment. She's diabetic. Her legs were in the beginning stages of necrosis. I don't know all the technical medical details, but for those who don't know, necrosis only occurs in very extreme diabetes. In order to keep your fat, for lack of a better word, alive, your body needs to create new blood vessels. However, if there are too many blood vessels, your blood becomes to thin, which inhibits your body's ability to keep the rest of your body supplied with blood. So your body decides to destroy old blood vessels so it can keep the rest of your body supplied with blood. Obviously, it's not going to destroy a blood vessel in the brain so it can create a blood vessel in your fat. It starts with your extremities. This, white cream, that I saw from a distance, was actually pus coming from large open wounds all around her lower legs. Because there wasn't enough blood reaching her lower legs, the tissue began to die. This created large, bloody wounds that are all but guaranteed to become infected. The skin seemed as if it was melting away. I counted 10 flies ON her legs, possibly laying eggs on the wounds. . I can only begin to imagine what her apartment looks like. Or smells like. When I got back in my car, I was kind of in shock. I've seen people, literally, cut in half alive on the internet. Skin flayed off the face, eyes gouged out, cutting off fingers, hands, arms, legs, people being burned alive; but seeing something as "mild" as this, in person was completely different. It actually stuck with me. None of those things compelled me to rant about it on some gaming community's forum that maybe 5 people will even care enough to read. Now, I should say, I've been fat my entire life. I'm not going to soften the blow, as many do, by calling myself "heavy", or "overweight." The literal definition is fat. I've struggled with it my whole life, and I haven't changed. Not because I've failed, but because I gave up. I'm not morbidly obese, (6'2, 290 lbs), but that is fat. I've heard people say to me "Oh, you can't call yourself that, that's mean you have to love yourself, you don't need to change", and also say, "Yeah, if you don't change, you could be dead when you're 40". BOTH sides are right. In order to change, loving yourself is a NECESSITY. If you don't care about YOUR OWN LIFE, it is not wise to assume someone else will. If you don't care, you won't change. That run bothered me the whole day. I realized if I don't truly set my mind to changing my habits and my diet, my future could turn out like that lady. Slowly wasting away alone, in immense pain, faced with the choice of amputation or certain death. Being permanently crippled to a chair or couch, unable to even clean yourself. To cook, to drive, to have sex, breathe normally, hold things with your hands. No. That will not be me. I will not destroy myself because I am too weak to prevent it. I love myself more than that, and I need to prove to myself that I do.
  13. You dont know me or the person I mentioned. It was a joke. Don't care if you're annoyed.
  14. So youre unbanning Mr. 9mm is what youre saying?
  15. I've been gone for a while already, but I felt the need to make a post. I've spent so much goddamn time playing on Asylum that leaving without saying anything is borderline insulting. First, I wanna give a shoutout too: @Rocketneo@TheRealJesus@Leady "The_Man", and Knowledge(if you're still alive, you know who you are). Y'all were the first group of people I played with when I started. I remember the very first day I met all of you, hanging out in the back of Leady's medic offroad in Pyrgos square. We were, arguably, the worst gang on Asylum. Does it look like we gave a fuck? After spending ample time the muddy and bloody trenches of rebel life, @Rocketneo and I joined Bad Blood. Expecting to get kicked early in our careers for being "trash cans with arms, legs, and a bit of brain matter", we braced ourselves for the worst. What followed, instead, was a journey. A journey that led me to some of the most fun, maddening, stressful, adrenaline pumping, heart-pounding and crazy times i've EVER had in a video game. @Sw3gingtoN@Kuklinski@J9R9MY Thank you for giving me, and everyone else, a chance to be apart of what you and the original members created. Your guidance and leadership on the battlefield were instrumental in turning an average, katiba-toting rebel, into a cold hearted, blood thirsty killer. Where ever you go, we will follow. Even if it takes us to hell. TO ALL PREVIOUS, CURRENT AND FUTURE BAD BLOOD REBELS It was an honor fighting, robbing and dying alongside with ALL OF YOU on Altis. You helped create one of the most notorious gangs on the island. A gang that has destroyed dreams and created them. A gang that has robbed more gold bars from the federal reserve than the U.S took from Saddam Hussein. While we may not win every battle, we will fight until we do. If they hurt us once, we kill them, always. It matters not what flag you carry or patch you have sewn into your carrier lite, if you were one of us, you will always have Bad Blood flowing through your veins. I love you all. (Shitty pic, but couldnt find anything better for some reason) Now, I'd like to say thanks to all the cops that gave me a fair trial, RP'd wi....... HAHA JUST KIDDING FUCK ALL YOU PIGGLY WIGGLIES, I KILLED YA 50 TIMES AND IM GONNA KILL YA ANOTHER 50 TIMES HAHAHAHAHAHAHA But seriously. It was fun. Thanks for all countless fights we had at the fed, the bank, Kavala,or at some fucking random hill in the middle of nowhere. I know we were always at each others throats; always looking for a way to screw the other side over for what they did to them. But, at the end of the day, we all know it's just for good fun, and behind most of these monitors and keyboards is a real and decent human being. Besides, most of our interactions weren't toxic. Last, but CERTAINLY, not least, thank you to @Paratusand the entirety of the admin team(Current and former), including any primary developers or anyone that has ever supported development, thank you SO MUCH for creating and maintaining this community. Despite what a small, but vocal, part of the community may think, I know the work you do is very difficult and time consuming, which is only made worse by the thanklessness of the job. In my opinion, that thanklessness is a problem in most IT or software development jobs, and you all deserve way more credit than you are given. It's easy to think that coding is simple, and that making a change is as easy as typing in "change this". I hope this is a stigma that dies soon. While we may not have always seen eye to eye on certain mechanics in Asylum (or rules kappa), I really enjoyed the few times we did play together. Events, that time we kidnapped Killswitch, or whenever Jin got drunk, all the pink quadbikes with unlimited nitro, you are all instrumental in keeping the server alive. Keep doing what you're doing and I'd be surprised if Asylum didn't last another 10 years. I have played with more people that I can remember on this server, all coming from vastly different backgrounds and places. It's hard to remember all the fun and downright hilarious things that happened, because there are far too many to remember. When I first discovered ArmA 3, and consequently Asylum, I was playing on a shitty PC with intel HD graphics. I had always wanted a gaming computer, but the only game I had in my mind when I was building my PC was ArmA 3. After over 3000 hours, with most of that time being spent on Asylum, I can easily say it was the best choice I ever made. Hopefully I never forget the time I spent here, this is definitely a game (and server) I'll remember for the rest of my life. I can't wait till I'm an old geezer with grand kids. When they ask their grandpa what their favorite game is, I'm gonna tell them ArmA 3. When they ask what I did on that game, I'm gonna tell them: "Kids, I played that game to sell virtual drugs and kill virtual cops, and you know what? I'm money capped." tl;dr: go fuck yourself, i'll be back to kill you soon
  16. They don't want a repeat of people stockpiling money and then doing things they normally wouldn't because they have the money to blow. Essentially, they always want the risk of you going broke to be a factor in how you decide what to do. I don't necessarily agree with it, as that kind of gameplay can turn into some REAL fun combat. However, when you got all these big gangs with millions of dollars, what are they gonna do? Go around and kill people. Non-stop. Which is what happened. So you'd have these big gangs on each server going around looking for people to rob/kill for fun, which would hurt the overall server population because anyone who isn't in that gang is getting robbed over and over again. Made it very difficult to earn any money at all if you were just a regular civ. That went double for the police. Because rich gangs were always looking for people to fight, and since smaller gangs didnt have anywhere near the capital to fight more than a few times, the police were responding to 4-5 feds a night, at least. Each fed would last at least 1 1/2 hours. Well, when the police are busy fighting gangs all night, who's going to stop the smaller gangs from robbing the diamond miners? Pretty much, the devs are very careful with money because they don't want situations like the above happening again, on any scale. Personally, I think they're a little too strict with it. It's creating this weird server dynamic where civs cant exist, gangs fight gangs almost nonstop and police are becoming more and more useless due to the amount of skiptracers. @Gnashes No final say, sure. But please don't pretend like admins don't or haven't heavily influenced the direction the devs take the server.
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