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Everything posted by Monkeysz

  1. Is it bad I spend more time on the forums than actually working?
  2. I just think leave all red zones alone no rules needed also if rebels a green zone it doesn`t make it fun when you get to slaughter all the cops trying to get your 10k bounty
  3. Raging For you to test 300m + that means you actually have to hit them not just guess <3
  4. The concept of having rebel as a "green zone" is bad, Dirty money will have no risk you go pick up the money you fly into a green zone your safe no one can kill you.
  5. Also Im gonna go off your forum account that your new so Ill put it in basic/simple terms they remove KOS in rebel that means they will have to remove it at other red zones as well then the server gets more serious and then people start to leave, people start to leave server dies...
  6. I think people are forgetting this isn`t a serious Role Playing server it is of course is a Role Playing Server but if your suggesting initiating at a rebel zone then why not just remove red zones -1 Bad Idea
  7. What are they gonna take over? The largest squeaker gang that existed?
  8. TBH his internet is shit, hell he had to use his phone data just to get a box truck of scotch to his house after his internet died.
  9. Well Tonight Im buying as many keys as it takes to get CSAT overalls and Ghillie Suit
  10. I was told $2.5 a crate, When Im unbanned 50 Crate opening in bound...
  11. How much are they my asylum isn`t working...
  12. https://www.amazon.co.uk/CHILDRENS-BRANDED-CHARACTER-ARMCHAIR-PLAYROOM/dp/B0096C6L24/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1467645850&sr=8-1&keywords=hello+kitty+chair 10/10 Chair your back is so secure and is overall very comfy
  13. I didn`t read all of this but if I get caught with lockpicks I say Im a lock smith and I was just coming off a job helping a over aged person open their front door works every time or I say I locked my oreos in my truck and I needed to get them out
  14. Personally I would yes, I enjoyed asylum more when we had 8 Gang wars going on it made it more risky to make money and we had better fights as you can fight anywhere.
  15. Can we get a "hotfix" but with one thing on I dont care about anything else, can we just get the gang wars to be fixed. TRY and keep the thread clean.
  16. Yo we aint garbage, we the rats in the garbage
  17. Americaaaa... Wait Im from the UK... UK fuck YEAH... Wait were shit... Americaaaa
  18. Jesus I thought I was about to see a fight but its one guy getting shot out of a chopper and a few guys dying as result... Also thanks for making my ears bleed...
  19. I have wondered how I got shot with my purple wall of smoke Good Shots though Andrew.
  20. Anything new coming to Altis soon?
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