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Everything posted by .Nathan

  1. We could possibly make 2-3 separate zones in places where it will possibly switch between them to make the fights different
  2. Are you talking about just normal cartel caps or the caps for the gang boat?
  3. Fuck the ERCO, ARCO is the only way
  4. .Nathan

    Viper Uniform?

    okay sorry forgot they get a helmet that only protects against 9m and it is only used during federal events where rebels have 6.5 and above 99% of the time. Yes but that is just the vest not one article of clothing that has a bigger buff, I get what your saying but he is trying to say civs should get access to the special purpose suit because cops have better gear or something. The special purpose suit is more armored the pilot covs and wouldnt fit into the server.
  5. .Nathan

    Viper Uniform?

    Any gear that cops or medics get are not a bigger buff then any other items that civs have. I looked them up briefly but there is a difference in the armor values which is why its only available on dom right now.
  6. 100% all it does is lag the fuck out of the game and shouldnt be in dom.
  7. .Nathan

    Weapon Sway

    how would it make sniping easier? if you sit in one spot sniping then you dont have sway. If you push and run around you have more sway all this does it effect the aggressive players the most. Plus like I said im not advocating for no weapon sway im just saying that a slight reduction from what it is wouldnt hurt and would make combat smoother instead of running 10 feet and having to control a recoil patter like the old ak on rust with a 10x scope lmao
  8. .Nathan

    Weapon Sway

    Right now I think weapon sway may be a little to strong. Ive heard the argument against it being that it takes skill to deal with high sway which I disagree with because the weapon sway just makes people wanna play sniper elite and makes the more aggressive player be put at a disadvantage. I dont think it should be lowered to Olympus levels as I think thats a little to low but I think as is its just a little to high. (This is my opinion as a play and not as staff in any way)
  9. .Nathan

    Viper Uniform?

    Im pretty sure this has more armor then pilot coveralls and granits
  10. Where would you suggest it be moved to where its still worth fighting for?
  11. I feel like 1 minute is a bit exaggerated but I do see what you mean. My only thing is I feel like that is one of the biggest reasons people fight for it. When fighting you risk losing multiple kits and vehicles to obtain it. It is still very easy to camp which happens very often by gangs that are fighting the caps. I feel like if you spend money fighting something like this then yea I think you should be able to get back to the caps just a little bit faster then another group.
  12. In order to prevent any interfere with rebel outpost, we have move the gang boat to a new location. Props to @Bherkyfor the help. New location of the boat: Pictures of the Boat:
  13. The reason I moved it there is so that less objects are used. To use the original spot you have to have a huge amount of objects to make it functional and look good.
  14. I have noticed that some of the community members are not a fan of some of the details with the current gang boat and I have created a possible change and I want the community's feedback regarding it. Some of these include the caps being in the open to much, FPS issues, and just the layout of the ship just to name a few. I've decided to make a few changes to the gang boat to try and help out with these issues to create a more enjoyable fight. FPS Issue: So for many people the current boat creates major frame drop when fighting. This is mostly caused by the amount of objects placed in the area. (NOTE: The current Gang Boat has 121 objects on it, my new design has 33) To help fix this issue I have moved gang boat slightly closer to arms rebel to allow me to use less objects on the boat (Picture posted below). Caps in the open / Layout: Currently the ship has a lot of minor issues like occasionally falling through the ship, the ability to wall peak almost the whole ship and see where everyone is, and the stairs that are in the open that are used to get on the ship. As much as I love the ship I just don't think it is viable to fight on. Instead of the 3 flags being located on the ship they will be moved to 3 separate caps that are located on the arms island in a relatively close proximity (Pictures below). This will allow for smoother and more enjoyable fights. Gang Boat perks: Currently the gang boat does not have any additional perks that you get when you cap it compared to Gang Fort. I believe that a suggestion was made regarding gangs being allowed to cap turfs at the same time as owning gang boat. I think that they should remove the ability to cap turfs and just set it the same as the Gang Fort. I would also just delete the anti air as it isn't needed. An argument that I have heard for not doing this is the location. My counter argument to this would be that Gang Boat is good for cartels Gang Fort is good for almost everything else as it is pretty much central of the map, I think both have there pros and cons. Overview: The way the gang boat would work is when the script goes active starting the event, 3 caps that are posted below would be created and a flag would spawn on each of them. The point system and capturing system would be the same as the current boat just on these separate caps instead of being on the boat. Whoever gets the most points same as the current system would get the Gang Boat. This would include the same perks as the Gang Fort and would not include the anti air anymore. Pictures: Location of Boat: New Gang Boat: Locations of Caps: Cap #1: Cap #2: Cap #3: This post is purely to get community feedback and does not guarantee this will be implemented into the server. Any feedback will be very helpful, Thanks
  15. We will be looking into something regarding this in the future, currently working on a few other projects. If this does happen it will take a few months to appropriately set everything up on the dev side of things and to give us ample time as the event team to make sure it will run smoothly. If you have any specific ideas of how it should be ran feel free to comment further.
  16. Disclaimer This is not a guarantee that it will be implemented, this is just to gather ideas to possibly create a new federal event to see if we can make it work. Thanks for all the input so far.
  17. I was thinking that when the event starts the cops would have to wait at the starting location for around 5 minutes before the vehicles spawn and it would be a long distance to give plenty of time for civs to respond
  18. The event team is looking into a event that police can start similarly to shipping or other federal events. We are looking for some input from the community on how this would work. A few questions that need to be answered are: Where would the event take place? What is the goal for the APD in this event? What should the payout be? Would there be any specific rules for the event? Any feedback would be helpful, Thankyou
  19. Main server and Dom will be done separately
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