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APD Officer
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  1. bunni liked a post in a topic by Distilled in Lawless's Finest - Enjoy ;)   
    But for real... You been using my name consistently for well over a month based on just a handful of videos I clicked on. I legit feel really fuckin weirded out that you've been playing with my exact name and tags for that long. Like, I get if you did it for a reboot or something as a joke or to try and hide who you really are, but for more than a month and then posting tons of shitty videos with my name all over them is fuckin creepy man.

  2. they took the name eazy liked a post in a topic by Distilled in Lawless's Finest - Enjoy ;)   
    But for real... You been using my name consistently for well over a month based on just a handful of videos I clicked on. I legit feel really fuckin weirded out that you've been playing with my exact name and tags for that long. Like, I get if you did it for a reboot or something as a joke or to try and hide who you really are, but for more than a month and then posting tons of shitty videos with my name all over them is fuckin creepy man.

  3. Big Bird liked a post in a topic by Distilled in Lawless's Finest - Enjoy ;)   
    But for real... You been using my name consistently for well over a month based on just a handful of videos I clicked on. I legit feel really fuckin weirded out that you've been playing with my exact name and tags for that long. Like, I get if you did it for a reboot or something as a joke or to try and hide who you really are, but for more than a month and then posting tons of shitty videos with my name all over them is fuckin creepy man.

  4. W00bzy liked a post in a topic by Distilled in Lawless's Finest - Enjoy ;)   
    But for real... You been using my name consistently for well over a month based on just a handful of videos I clicked on. I legit feel really fuckin weirded out that you've been playing with my exact name and tags for that long. Like, I get if you did it for a reboot or something as a joke or to try and hide who you really are, but for more than a month and then posting tons of shitty videos with my name all over them is fuckin creepy man.

  5. rngr liked a post in a topic by Distilled in Lawless's Finest - Enjoy ;)   
    But for real... You been using my name consistently for well over a month based on just a handful of videos I clicked on. I legit feel really fuckin weirded out that you've been playing with my exact name and tags for that long. Like, I get if you did it for a reboot or something as a joke or to try and hide who you really are, but for more than a month and then posting tons of shitty videos with my name all over them is fuckin creepy man.

  6. rngr liked a post in a topic by Distilled in Lawless's Finest - Enjoy ;)   
  7. Distilled liked a post in a topic by JacobHarr in The Ultimate Gang   
    Nickis @sikcin
    Rat boy @Widsyy
    carrado whenever he gets back from that ski trip
  8. Distilled liked a post in a topic by Axe in Another One of My Trash Frag Clips   
    Just delete the clips? 
    They dont have to go through youtube to reach the recycling bin. 
  9. Distilled liked a post in a topic by Haych in KBW save us   
    RESIGN THEN FAM. Starance is doing your job now and hes better at it. Literally such a shitty attitude from a Admin. Don't volunteer and then give 2 fucks about doing your job.
  10. Distilled liked a post in a topic by TYL3R in KBW save us   
    How can you say 99.99% aren't qualified if theirs 5-6 new mods every so often, pls take time off maybe that will make it better open up spots for admins that play the game and listen to the community.
  11. Distilled liked a post in a topic by Seán That Irish Guy in KBW save us   
    Pre 6.0 a load out was 150k max if even. Now its 30k, give or take depending on if you buy nades. That is the same as 300k old money. So please dont try and say otherwise seeing as you play nothing but cop. 
    As for swat ladders they are just an addition to help lazy, stupid cops who dont wanna use there head. There is 3 gates to the fed, use them. Simple.
  12. Distilled liked a post in a topic by Bikstok in KBW save us   

  13. Distilled liked a post in a topic by [df]Smokahontas in KBW save us   
       So what's the future for asylum? It seems after the asylum exchange that it's heading in the right direction, but can we guarantee any more content in the future? Like I said the asylum exchange was a great idea, but it wasn't even ours. Cop life is completely boring, and that's because rebel life is nerfed to hell and back. Why is it that it takes one bullet from cops to down someone fully geared? Why are rebel load outs so expensive compared to cops? There are obviously more questions that I am not considering, but I will post some suggestions below to fix some rebel life, and in return make cop life less boring. 
    Feds need more payout. That's because it takes about 45 mins to complete an entire fed for such little payout. The amount of effort to complete the fed is not worth the money earned, because people will get lethal'd and everyone needs a cut. That cut is only 30k each for so much effort for so little pay. Get rid of swat ladders. Swat ladders ruin the fun of any fed because cops can just sneak in and down people. We can get rid of the ladders, but that takes a lot of effort and usually a good pilot. Then there is always the LT with the MK-1 who can just rip the pilots head off while doing so. Btw, if we keep swat ladders, then give us back deer stands. The more you boost cop life, then there are less things for rebels to do, and in the end less for cops to do. Please consider this as a FACT. History has shown this, look at how boring cop life has become because we don't do banks or feds.  Change the bank payout to 80/20. More dirty money, less gold bars. If I wanted gold bars then I would do a fed (which I wouldn't cause the fed sucks). 5 bars spawning at the bank is kinda of dumb, IMO, because we only have one way out and we risk the ifirit and also everyone else inside that now can't run and have no way of fighting back really. Immobilizing someones movement is a huge burden to the shooter. Please realize that if the ifirit is tireless, the people carrying the bars can only walk to try and get to cover.  Get rid of all objects at the cartels or move them in better locations. I feel as though the people placing these objects have NEVER EVER fought a cartel in their entire life. This does nothing but annoy the shit out of everyone, their just in the way. No one even uses them, if anything it's easier to attack then to defend with them. Hello?? Sand bags are wallbangable, how did anyone think that this was a good idea?  Get rid of shitty cartel locations. Bamf cap, cocaine cap, get rid of them please. Leave heroin and or add another good cap that is ACTUALLY recommended by the community that fights these cartels. Come on guys, seriously, listen to your fucking community. It may just be "oh it doesn't matter what we say cause paratus makes all the decisions" but clearly not because bamf has his own freaking cap! But to get back on topic, please listen to the kids of the community. There are a lot of great ideas.      In the end, this is to make cops enjoy the game more, and to do that we need to help out the rebels (which is more than half the community). I understand that there is a new bounty hunter thing coming out and I know people are releasing new content and fixing bugs and all this shit. Which is great and much needed. If you want rebel life to be good again, stop listening to synergy ( who don't even fight anymore) and start asking other gangs and other rebels. Rebel life is not OP so I don't want to hear any shit from cops in the thread, but post what you want. Freedom of speech is welcome here, say what you want, and don't lock this thread unless it goes backwards, ty.
    One another thing, maybe get both community managers and leaders from all active, (large preferred), gangs, and one developer, every month to discuss gang life and ideas. This would happen once a month and only last an hour (can be adjusted by the community managers obviously). This will bring people closer and the community as a whole. This could happen for cops too but lets be honest, the majority of admins are cops. We at least know how rebel life got here in the first place XDe. 
    Also post ideas down below. I will add anything else in the thread that people "like" or agree upon. I also realize that there might be a place where this is already under discussion, but I'm to lazy to look and this really does involve gang life. #MakeAslyumGreatAgain 
    Edit: Change locations of some places. Bank, fed, meth lab, etc. Me likey this idea. Don't put in shitty places tho?
  14. rngr liked a post in a topic by Distilled in Obligatory montage 2016   
    Yeah that shit was embarrassing man.
  15. Whitey liked a post in a topic by Distilled in Obligatory montage 2016   
    Wait til you hit high school. You'll find out.
  16. Deimus liked a post in a topic by Distilled in Obligatory montage 2016   
    Yeah that shit was embarrassing man.
  17. Deimus liked a post in a topic by Distilled in Obligatory montage 2016   
    Wait til you hit high school. You'll find out.
  18. TYL3R liked a post in a topic by Distilled in Obligatory montage 2016   
    Yeah that shit was embarrassing man.
  19. JaeJae liked a post in a topic by Distilled in Obligatory montage 2016   
    Wait til you hit high school. You'll find out.
  20. Pvt.Riku liked a post in a topic by Distilled in Obligatory montage 2016   
    Yeah that shit was embarrassing man.
  21. Distilled liked a post in a topic by rngr in Obligatory montage 2016   
    10/10 ending clips.  That vest was so much fun.
    "I got shot out... by a girl!"
  22. Distilled liked a post in a topic by bamf in Change log 6.9.0   
    A new aggression system has been added to the game.  When someone shoots you (or your vehicle), they will now show as red to you and your group.  Aggression lasts for 5 minutes and is limited in its range.
    Gang items:
    Command menu and group lead functions have been removed from the game. You can now set your own gang tag as the gang leader. This is done through the gang menu. You may only use characters from the gang name itself.  Cop items:
    Cop restraints are no longer infinite.  You will become unrestrained after 10 minutes if you are further than 500m from the nearest cop. Undercover cop names have been redacted from kill/down messages. A bug causing cops to not be paid when killing a suspect has been fixed. Cops will no longer lose Y menu items from vehicle deaths. Fixed “snitches” talent for the APD.  Added quick loadouts for the APD upon respawning after death. The officer will be able to retrieve the gear they had on when they died, but will be subject to a timer and having funds for the loadout. An issue where a police UAV would be disconnected when entering a vehicle was fixed.
    Bounty hunter items:
    Bounty hunters/warrant officers will be able to see how long until they are next able to track if they attempt to track too soon. You are now able to request a bounty while in a vehicle. You should no longer get bounties for your gang and/or group members. Miscellaneous features:
    Oil processing has relocated. You now earn more oil per run. You may now lock and unlock individual doors in your house by using the U button.   Medic sirens now turn off immediately when the medic shuts them off. Unflipping a vehicle is now only available if you were the last person driving it, or if you have keys to the vehicle. The 'Quit Asylum' (Abort) button now sends a sync request upon pressed, so you don't need to worry about hitting 'sync data' as much. Removing zipties as a civilian now requires a weapon (or that you be in the group of the restraining party) The owner (or gang members, if this is a gang house) of a house is now always able to access his crates, even while the house is locked Locking your house will now close all doors as well.   Other items:
    Money again drops as intended.   Fixed an issue related to pricing for out of stock items.   Measures have been taken to fix the Arma 3 group limit problem. Hopefully this will prevent players from being unable to create new groups. Optimized how some of the scroll menu options availability is calculated to limit FPS loss while scrolling. A bug preventing you from giving a bloodbag or splint to another player was fixed. Pull out unconscious should be more reliable. Fixed a couple of bugs related to losing gear when bad data syncs. Running out of food/water, and then bringing it back above 0 will actually restore your stamina as intended. The vehicle factory now leaves more room for large helicopters to be crafted. You should no longer be able to purchase more ammunition than you can carry.   Hotfix 1:
    Bounty hunters can now show and hide their badges more reliably. Revive requests will now only show for APD medical officers when no medics are online.   Fixed a minor issue with the calculation of the quick loadout price. The APD can now directly enter the Strider's Commander seat. You can now use the virtual inventory of house crates while your house is locked.   Fix for vehicle stock decreasing when not having enough money for the purchase.   Fixed an issue with unintentionally spawning at the Skiptracer Base.   Potentially fixed a rare bug related to escorting a player.  You should now be able to request a bounty from inside a vehicle from your phone.   Vehicle shop menu now reflects the price net of the governor's tax. Hotfix 2:
    Cops must now use the regear function at the sign.  You have to stay within 10m, and you may not enter a vehicle.   Fixed an issue related to the radius of cop warrant tracking A few more NPCs have made their way back to the island. Removed a message that was unintentionally popping up Changed the Suicide message Undercover APD officers will no longer have their identities revealed in the downed/killed feed. You may now only request a single trial. Player's names will be added to map markers they create.
  23. Scott liked a post in a topic by Distilled in Change log 6.8.6   
    How Asylum patches are tested before going on the live server

  24. Haych liked a post in a topic by Distilled in Change log 6.8.6   
    How Asylum patches are tested before going on the live server

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