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Everything posted by Actaea

  1. Lucky him. : P :P: P :P:PP:P:P::::P:
  2. People know from P4 that I patrol Kavala exclusively and I've never seen you.
  3. It could be his role-play. Honestly, I've seen people do it before. Laughing in his face when he could be legitimately RPing makes you look 12. You are a cadet, you'll learn. He did say the word admin though, so I'd say its still a 50/50.
  4. One could call out the psychological issues you may have of living a life where things are out of your control and how you don't deserve an explanation for anything. TL:DR People are allowed to do whatever they want, whenever they want it. There's never a required reason just because you don't understand. People like what they like.
  5. Taking the money cap and making it larger won't increase things to do on the island or make it less boring. It just increases the grind.
  6. Just shows that those out there not try to do anything with their lives are nothing but lazy and pathetic imo. Kudos to her.
  7. I'm sorry you had to deal with that on P4. Either way. Record and report. Believe me I don't want to deal with future constables that don't try to make the game fun/fair in the slightest, because I'll probably end up having to babysit them.
  8. They VDM/RDM a lot, but so do a lot of people. Either way now that the APD on 4 has a Chinese Translator I think they will be a little cooler to deal with. I can understand from their perspective that its nearly impossible to communicate with anyone so if someone is fucking with them they cant exactly ask you to stop or to ask you to put your hands up so they merc you. I usually deal with them every-single-day in Kavala and I feel I made a breakthrough via a my Cadet Chinese Translator. I do enjoy playing with them and now that I can forward messages to them it should be easier to deal with them.
  9. Real talk, the fact that an entire gang of players VDM/RDM/Script/Exploit and play care free says a lot about the condition of the servers. Eek
  10. That rp on point. In other news, has there been any captain demoted in the history of the apd? I know a lot of people feel they are untouchable.
  11. If you have a specific issue with any officer who you feel has wronged you then you are more than welcome to report them. Please remember that recording is paramount because one person's word over another is not going to help achieve what you may be looking for.
  12. People get upset because they feel they have earned the right to specific items by paying for asylum dlc. It's clean and clear to me that asylum is going against BI's monetization tos. However, it will never change.
  13. I honestly think they are hilarious. The translators are the best part.
  14. Im all for self expression but I fear what he is going to go through in highschool.
  16. Clearly you have not run into one of my police "checkpoints" that run for literal kilometers wide.
  17. I'd be down with Arctic or Red Urban Digi
  18. Because the EMT life is so shallow. Offering more to do would spice it up? Why not?
  19. We all have known that 80% or more of EMT play is garbage and most players in that slot sit in Kavala. I feel if we completely redid the EMT slot and white-list it the server as a whole would be a slightly more pleasant place.
  20. I don't ever recall night being an issue for anyone or anyone ever complaining. Looks like we got raped by the very weighted opinion of one person.
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