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Everything posted by DJB

  1. DJB


    hello my friend @Narnia
  2. Yes sir specifically speaking we are referring to capping the flag while remaining inside of the ifirit.
  3. Lol its more of a question to add to yours, I'm just looking for an answer as well.
  4. It is not an exploit if there have been no changes to change this is it?
  5. DJB


    Wait Willmong hold my nuts while I take these 900 meter roach shots from windmills
  6. Lol true I'm just trollin I want to see more ideas too.
  7. Ah I see well that is good for you and your gang. I don't like your idea. I feel as though its like asking to make things to easy. <3
  8. That is a ridiculous idea. Its like saying oh we should make the game specifically for Smee. A lot of people including myself like the way things are but love to see improvements.
  9. No that would not make sense at all. Sorry. Leave things as is. If you want those specific benefits that you would like then go cap the turf that gives them.
  10. Not if you are a bad ass like myself then you can solo everything. GG noobs GG
  11. 800$ 4 reals? Should just be given things after that much. Lol
  12. The RNG Gods do not smile upon you my friend.
  13. Get out of here Phil. no one asked for your opinion... Jk I agree with you. I'm sure there are reason why we can't, such as people trying to exploit and what not.
  14. In Game Name: DJMong Hours on Arma 3 (Screenshot required): 4223 https://gyazo.com/0e2ce827d99330edf19894adea305d7f Previous gangs: Imperium, Twelve Monkeys and others that I don't remember the names of. Why would you like to join Omnia: I would like to be part of a gang on Asylum servers and make new friends. What can you bring to Omnia: I am respectful, loyal and experienced in all aspects of Asylum servers as well as all forms of combat on Arma 3. I am a good pilot and will try my best to assist others in the gang, play well and have fun. I also own a S3 Rodo, Panagia and south rebel house so I can help in certain situations quickly. How active will you be? (Ex: 5-6 Days a week): 5 to 7 days, a few hours a day. What current members could vouch for you: None that I know of.
  15. I hurt myself today, to see if I still feel.
  16. Yes please fix prison I miss old prison it was good to me, could have used some changes like a few more defenses I suppose but yea. Make prison great again. Don't really mind the new location but like the guys were saying the frames get funky there and the mechanics are a bit confusing. Personally I just like a good ol fashion shoot out prison break.
  17. Start at 2:10 if you want or beginning but gotta get to 2:10, then at 5:30 thats where it gets real good
  18. I just alt f4 jk I do what you did pretty much. Depending on the situation.
  19. I shall miss the good times playing with one that truly understood me and didn't call me an idiot turf camping rat mong. <3 jk message me on steam if you want to play <3.
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