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Jaylen Sarrett

APD Officer
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Everything posted by Jaylen Sarrett

  1. actually, this couldn't be a simpler thing to implement... lol, they literally added it in themselves, they can take it out far easier than they could adding them in... but earlier you said that these do affect FPS, now you're saying they don't? your original argument conceded with my point and went on to say it was because of the convenience. So, pick one...
  2. all i was demonstrating in the video was that scroll wheel options in certain areas create massive fps drop.... lol, talk about missing the point.... (also, someone asked about this point specifically, i was responding to them so.... lol dafuq r u on)
  3. of course.... ii'm not proposing they do that because they obviously can't..... strictly talking about the scroll wheel options which asylum can change...
  4. it wouldn't require separate keybinds for everything, you could use certain binds together, hell you could put them on a menu.... and what's wrong with keybinds? Lol, do you even pc game? And it might be convenient for you (when they work like they're intended, scroll wheel is still buggy as shit), but for others keybinds are more convenient and yield higher fps... or atleast get rid of the dumb scroll wheel options, and they're starting to, with the spike strips... it would be a good idea to at the least, get rid of the fucking pointless ones that aren't game changing and would improve performance and get rid of the GIANT list of options you get sometimes while scrolling... its aids....
  5. make sure your mic is "Default Format", in the properties for the mic is at 44100Hz also, make sure your sound settings are the SAME AS THE MIC.... if your mic is at 96000hz or 44100 or w/e it is, your headphone settings/properties should be the same.. that could be your issue, i would bet it is! I used to have same problem, i wouldn't even go for 96000ghz, my mic was static at that no matter what...
  6. number 1 rule about sergeant is you don't talk about sergeant... fucking tyler, always ruins everything good....
  7. watch this video of mine demonstrating how much scroll wheel can affect performance you can see in top right corner my FPS, i go from around 45 to 16-25 using scroll wheel in certain places thats with arma on SSD, 8 gig ram, gtx980 superclocked and 4.0 ghz 6 core cpu
  8. this was when we sent the captain a goodbye party!! then it wentt to shitt... lol
  9. why i am not buying the game, time to kill seems FOREVER... literally.... bullet sponges.... not into that kinda fps
  10. that is not 1080p edit : misread title *negative 1080p* topkek
  11. CM? Cock muncher? I would not reject this....
  12. everything you can gather, craft etc. to make money from, is purposely balanced between risk, time and reward.... You can do quick high risk things like cocaine for a good buck, or you can do something less risk and more time consuming like liquor... There has to be a balance.... otherwise, the game is no fun.
  13. why? why would this be a thing? ITS RP, you gotta get out your car and deal with people sometimes... being able to sell from your car without getting out, would add nothing to gameplay... it wouldn't improve anything...
  14. it's not even a gif, it's an MP4... YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD, ironically your post was about not wanting to KYS anymore, when you should feel that way after the post...
  15. Tbh, i'm more amazed by the fact that you have 649 posts on this forum, yet still don't know how to embed images... fuck me you should be ashamed
  16. yes, and for the sake of it, delete this folder to, as it will remain after uninstall.... C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Arma 3
  17. did you ever tweak any of your installation files in arma?
  18. do a complete uninstall, not just from steam, from your appdata information to, and all other information... install it again, if the glitches continue, you can mark the installation files from being the culprit... from there, i'd start doing gpu testing....
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