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Jaylen Sarrett

APD Officer
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Everything posted by Jaylen Sarrett

  1. i'll boost you with a deagle to the face
  2. nice nice, do it on video next time normie
  3. they get a wicked sick suit dawg, you'll be the fashiest goy in altis
  4. y so... it's legit as close as the one i could get to 1.6... which i played for 10 years... so makes sense i would use it.... subjective anyways... kinda like how i used left handed weapons, but am a right handed player... always have, feels right...
  5. 1v3 sneaky deeky clutch Was playing with @DarkKnight, @minibagge & Jake
  6. wait wait, what jail change? you had a bounty, and you went to jail.... when was it different? i think i'm misunderstanding.. (welcome back tho)
  7. while everyone else does their frag montages, i'm gonna do "i'm fucking bad" montages...
  8. uninstalling and /s c:\windows\system32 in command prompt
  9. Overlord Cadet is not amused by your recent actions.
  10. it's asilum, and gewd shoop photo, much realism
  11. my friend lives on her boat on an island of the island of key west..... she's a smelly pirate hooker
  12. Cat food mean sumting vewwy differint in China!
  13. boats..... moar boats.... boats are...... boats.... in arma..... its like arma, but with boats.... which is like 10x as much aids...
  14. what is this cancer, it should not be allowed... it should be illegal for anyone over 16 to play minecraft...
  15. ive suggested this over and over no luck so far.... maybe there is hope?
  16. my autist helmet goes perfectly with my awfulness....
  17. what did i ever do? who the fuck are you anyway
  18. technically, he doesn't have to..... i probably would have, depending on how good your RP was...
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