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Everything posted by Junke

  1. Wont know until its implemented tbh
  2. Junke

    s2 vehicle rule

    its almost like there should be policy written for SRT... *cough* @Innate
  3. It looks great, where is this located on the map?
  4. Junke

    Change Mobile HQ

    Please I can't make money on cop anymore please help im on a steady decline
  5. Woah johnny! You're using your brain too much for these guys. They will one day get it figured out.
  6. Damn dude really pulling up messages from a long time ago.
  7. I don't understand the problem of cops being able to see it. Can someone please explain.
  8. The videos get better and better
  9. its for warrant tracking not fighting cartels Usually cops sit outside the cartel for 10-15 minutes waiting for the cartel to become uncontested. By allowing cops to see the cartel cap percentage they can go do something else while in the meantime the people fighting cartels have less of a risk of being actively pursued into the cartel.
  10. Hello Ratatouille come back the APD needs you
  11. Allow APD to have an app on their phone that allows them to see the percentage of capture on the cartel just like on civ. Allows for cops with warrants to go do something in the meantime rather than afk for 15 minutes to wait for the cartel to be uncontested.
  12. Hey I heard you hit a crazy shot on OG arms, how come its not in your montage?
  13. I think people would have more incentives to fight for the drops if it were say RPKs and Zafirs every so often as well.
  14. Looks cool. I think the problem with current design is it needs another entrance. Very hard choke points for the rebels currently
  15. Junke

    Prestige Leveling

    Would be nice to see war rating be implemented within this system as well as money
  16. Junke

    Self lockpick

    So on top of the quest where there's a chance you can narcan yourself when downed, this is now another way of avoiding cop custody.
  17. Junke


    Bro am i the only one whos buying 10 zip ties, 10 lockpicks, 2 narcans, 1 defib, 10 virtual faks, 2 blind folds, 2 blood bags Then MX, 15 downing rounds, 5 lethal rounds, PCOVs, lvl 1 vest, mask, headgear? its only 50k because of the taxes, otherwise my kit is like 35k. But because of taxes its increased. I'm convinced there's a permanent 15% tax rate on top of whatever the governor puts for the tax rate.
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