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Everything posted by Junke

  1. Well lets use your apple analogy here. So there is an apple available for $7 and thats the lowest and cheapest price available. Well it appears if you go onto the MyAsylum website Barkin's 3 crate is the only available 3 crate in that town. Thus, making it the cheapest 3 crate available. So your apple analogy is shit. What other 3c are you paying cheaper for? Please show me. It looks like Barkin's 3 crate is that "$7 apple" bub.
  2. Yeah in what part of that sentence did I say "How much money and what assets do you have? Do you really not have enough to afford the 170k?" I didn't. I was just bringing up how petty it is to haggle over 170k on a house like that and make that the deciding factor on whether you purchase or not. Really did not have to hear about how much money you have I don't think the person selling need to either.
  3. Its really cool that you and your gang account have a lot of money! But, I didn't really care if you had a lot or a little bit of money, nor did I ask.
  4. well everything that comes out of your mouth is completely absurd, and your opinion has no weight on anything.
  5. lmao you act like that extra 170k is such a huge difference maker
  6. why would you put any upgrades other than the storage upgrade on this house. I would've raised price on you too.
  7. This was market price for 2 weeks
  8. -Name In Game: Junke -Arma 3 Hours : 72,534 -Age : 9 -Previous Gangs : Weed pro campers, EMC KILLERS, EMC CAN'T AIM -How Active Will You Be : You would know by how much weed i steal from you guys in weed pro
  9. LMAOOOOOO LOOK GUYS! THE LIBERAL IS MISS-INFORMING THE PUBLIC WITH FALSE PROPOGANDA! classic liberal move. Something CNN would do. Go march in your gay parade dumbass.
  10. There's two ideas bub, right and wrong. Conservative and Liberal. Go push communist agendas weirdo.
  11. i dont understand it literally happened lol. imagine not thinking that is real. believe what the liberals are making you believe.
  12. go you your BLM rally and destroy local businesses that are even African American owned bub.
  13. SMH brain washed snowflake liberals. Hate to see people supporting a great countries downfall. Trump on top.
  14. hey sticky dabs just message me on discord whenever youre ready to sell im clearly highest bidder and only bidder
  15. Okay man this guy is trolling doesnt even have diving goggles im currently winning bid
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