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Everything posted by LaGrange

  1. I was actually the one who banned him for this... and yet, even I can't deny the skill in this
  2. It was a great thread... But it's time has passed. #unpin
  3. We've been given the right to choose between a Giant Douche and a Turd Sandwich. I have no idea what I am going to do. I don't like either of them, which only leaves voting for a 3rd party candidate - which is basically wasting a vote IMO.
  4. Thanks amigos. Changed out the CPU cooler, case, motherboard. Couldn't find DDR4 memory. The CPU and GPU are on the list because they are being given to me. http://pcpartpicker.com/list/LGtWZ8
  5. This is the new build. Anybody see any issues here? http://pcpartpicker.com/list/GTkf7h
  6. Like I said, I need my hand held. I don't know anything about PC parts. hold my hand plz.
  7. Http://PCPartPicker.com/list/Q29CJV Here is a random build I made. I know nothing about PC parts. I just want this thing to run really good on Arma since that is all I really play
  8. Hey everyone, So as some of you know, I have been gaming on a MacBook Pro for the past 2+ years on Asylum. I have finally decided it's about time to build a proper PC. I plan to buy whatever the community jointly agrees on! I do not know how much I want to spend on the PC honestly. ~$1000 is a soft budget line, ~$1500 is the hard budget line (I would need some convincing to pay this much). I don't have a monitor yet, so this would include that. Help me find the best parts for my PC and I will buy them! I don't really know where to start, but I'll put out a test build from PCPartPicker in a few moments.
  9. Fresca is my all time favorite. But really, I don't drink a lot of soda. More of a water guy
  10. Too* Edit1: Hap edited his comment. We all know what really happened.. Edit2: Hap tried to hide my comment to cover up his mistake.
  11. This is likely due to a fluctuating IP on your end. This happens when you try to connect to MyAsylum from a new IP that hasn't played in game yet. Generally, playing in game for a few minutes will sync your data to your account, which will then allow you to MyAsylum again. If that doesn't work, just make a request in the Account Support section of the forums asking us to link your current IP to your account. http://www.gaming-asylum.com/forums/index.php?/forum/36-characteraccount-support/
  12. Yes, I can see how it can be frustrating. One thing to keep in mind is that we frequently argue over rules and our interpretation of the rules. This happens all the time. There are hard rules that we have, but we sometimes allow for a small amount of wiggle room - this is where gray areas come in. Arms dealer island is a perfect example of this. Technically, it is 300m, but most admins would give wiggle room on this. How much wiggle room depends on the admin. It would be more helpful to have hard, realistic rules in place accounting for situations like this and it is something we can work on. Another thing to note is that we can't make a rule for every case. There is far too much variety in the reports we receive and all reports have different variables that require our discretion.
  13. What an on-topic and clean thread this is! Let's try and settle down with the e-peen measurements. This has been argued over and over again throughout the entire life cycle of Asylum.
  14. People still play CoD? The last one I played was Black Ops 2
  15. I see a ton of people are posting about content, yet we are in a development prime of Asylum. Patches are coming out faster than ever before and you have KBW who is fixing longstanding bugs on the spot. If you want something added, let KBW know! He has been extremely receptive to you all. There will be more new and fresh content to come soon, this I can tell you. However, new content eventually gets stale as well. With Asylum's long standing life cycle, you do have to find your own fun sometimes while waiting for new content.
  16. Death by shark would be one of the worst ways.. And yet, you surf in the home of sharks! Just messing with ya. I know the chances are extremely slim, but still it is a horrid way to go out
  17. KBW could have my babies as far as I am concerned. If he wants to create another thread to focus on the top priority issues (a lot of the issues mentioned in this thread are not in that bug tracker list), then more power to him.
  18. KBW is the mutha-fuckin' maaan! Seriously, he is basically Oprah with the "YA WANT IT, YA GOT IT" attitude.
  19. Just saying that you never know who is going to get it. We don't even really know until we are deep into the process and in the final stages.
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